Watch Yourself Boy

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Prodigy slammed the door and then threw his keys on the coffee table and slumped himself in the chair. “If momma was here you know she’d slap u so hard you’d forget your name for a minute if she heard u slam her front door like that”. I said turning my head towards him “well she ain’t here, so just fuck off.” This is what I mean about him there is something wrong with him. And right now I didn’t even wanna know or try to help so I slowly got off Dayn’s lap holding my stomach and went straight upstairs to my bedroom, without a word, I would have gone to the car and tell Dayn to take us home but I promised momma we wouldn’t go to the new place until everyone finished work.

“what the fuck is wrong wid chu boy? First you come in disrepectin you momma’s house and for no fuckin reason yo sis tryna help you and you fuckin disrespecting her too? I cant wait to leave here today cause if u do anytime after we leave me and you gonna have a problem.” My bedroom door was open and I heard Dayn said that to prodigy. “You can fuck off too. What you gonna do huh?” prodigy stood up and so did Dayn. “look I don’t care dat you in a bad mood and your screwin up your life and no one is doing nun bout it but you treat Tamara like that again I’ll do more then punch your teeth in. clean up your act little boy or dere ain’t no way in hell I’m letting you near my child.”

After that things went silent. And Dayn soon came upstairs to my room and closed the door. We talked for a while then started making out as we heard the door slam-knowing prodigy was gone and we were now hole alone again. I’m not going to lie Dayn was more horny then me because he didn’t wait another second before making us both jump under the covers and get to business. I’m real glad I waited for the right person because now ugh Dayn is literally sex on legs he is just so good I never get tired of him. I am so glad no one was home because he had me screaming his name over and over because he made me feel so good ha

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