Jesus Arrested

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Thursday Night

Even as He was speaking, His hand pointed into the near darkness from which a dim glow was growing, Judas and a party appeared to this place that Jesus often retired to for prayer. "Great teacher!" Judas exclaimed with false joy as he formed out of the evening, the silhouettes of trees like lurking demons behind him. He handed the lantern he carried to another member of his group as he drew nearer. "I'm so glad to have caught up with you," he soothed, the Devil still holding his mind. And he ran to Jesus, greeting Him with a kiss on the cheek-- the sign of his planned-out betrayal to mark the One to be seized.

"Judas?" Jesus asked softly, His heart stung, His face pained. "Would you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?"

As Judas feigned confusion, the party of priests and soldiers, furnished with clubs and swords, drew forth their weapons and began moving forward to make the arrest. Jesus' other disciples, stirred to alertness and curiosity by the additional voices, cautiously ventured in and came around their Rabbi.

"Friend, who is it you want?" Jesus asked one of the priests in white at the front of the group.

"We are looking for Yeshua of Nazareth. Are you him?" he asked.

"I Am", He responded, knowing just Who He is. He was now steeled with strength from love of His creation and obedience to His Father. The couple hours of prayer had done wonders for Him.

While a few of the temple guard and Roman soldiers moved toward the sides of Jesus' party, illuminating the whole scene by torches and lanterns under the stars multiplying overhead, some of the arresting party reeled backward-- as if they had been struck by a heavy blow.

It was Him! The mysterious and miraculous Man was before them: And He was unarmed, though they were furnished with many weapons. They must have wondered on how could He be so calm, surely knowing that they sought His life, for they hated Him?

Others must have been struck by the fact that this was the man whom they had heard so much about: The one who could raise lives from the dead, cure all affliction, and lead the 'worst' sinners to complete repentance. This man brought new understanding and insight that no one else had, and this man seemed entirely fearless-- as He must have been when convicted with desire or emotion to further God's cause.

A couple of them must have been in awe, as many believed He was a powerful prophet, though the main theme of their party was fear and hate.

After several seconds' pause between the groups, He asked them again: "Who is it you want?"

"Yeshua of Nazareth," another of the group piped up. Several moved closer.

"I already told you: I am Him. If it's just Me you want, then let these other men go."

Finally realising what Jesus had thrice said to the disciples in those last few hours, Peter sprung to action in defense of Him. "Lord, should we strike back?" he asked, swiftly drawing out his sword and cutting off an ear of the servant who served the deaf-to-God high-priest.

"Stop!" He angrily shouted, reaching out His hand-- bringing halt to the situation even in its sudden and high intensity. "This is not how it is to happen! Those who live by the sword will die by the sword. If I needed defense, My Father would in this very moment send 12 legions of angels to my rescue-- But the Scriptures would then never be fulfilled, for the Father has given the cup to Me, and I must drink it so that you might live."

With both groups held still in anticipation of the next move, Jesus went to the servant (which shied away from the wanted Man, his hand pressed tight against the bleeding wound) and compassionately restored his ear to him: Only the blood and memory to paint the picture of what had just happened before the crowd, though the faithless of it put this off to tricks of the night.

Spotting the high priests who had called for the group of soldiers and guards, Jesus asked, "What is this? Did you think I was leading a rebellion, that you would come to me with soldiers and swords? Every day I was with you in the Temple, yet you did not arrest me then. But it is fitting, isn't it? For this is your hour: The hour when darkness reigns."

It was then that the indignant priests, shocked and offended by those last words, shouted to arrest Him. Offering no flight or fight, He was seized by the Romans as His disciples fled to safety through the trees.

A young follower-- possibly the most beloved John-- sought to stay close to the party, but a soldier came up and seized the back of his cloak. In panic, he shed the covering and ran away after the others-- himself now naked.

They all abandoned the One they had pledged their lives to, and He was now being delivered into the hands of certain death.

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