Back at the Tomb

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Mary Magdalene had followed them, though at a distance. The disciples, meeting her on the way back home, tried to console her and bring her with them; but she wouldn't accept their comfort. She sought only the comfort of Jesus, and they parted ways as she continued back up to the tomb as the warm morning sun began to rise over the horizon.

She paused at the door-way and looked inside. Seeing nothing in the morning dimness, she entered in and froze at the sight of two men dressed in white at the head and foot of where He had rested.

Through blurry, tear-filled eyes, she was unable to distinguish them as anything but 'men in white', and she thought they were more of Jesus' followers. "They have taken my Lord away, and I don't know where they have put Him," she choked out.

The 'men' stayed quiet, and a moment later she perceived foot-steps behind her. Turning around, she beheld another figure.

"Woman," He asked, gently, "Why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?"

Thinking that He was the care-taker of the garden, she pleaded: "Sir, if you have taken Him away, please tell me where you have put Him. I will go and take His body to a proper place."

Before she could explain that He was only put here temporarily-- for the Sabbath-- and, as she was wiping the tears from her eyes with her veil, the Man said, "Mary."

Her name as sounded by His voice suddenly pierced her being, and she looked up into the face of Jesus. "Teacher!" she exclaimed, amazed, as she threw her arms around Him.

But He gently pushed her away and stepped back. "Do not hold onto me, Mary. I still need to return to the Father. Instead of holding onto me, go and tell my brothers that I am returning to my Father and your Father-- my God and your God. Then, tell them to meet me in Galilee." With this, He bid her part, and she obeyed.

She ran all the way down to Jerusalem and through its hilly streets till she again reached the house where the disciples were staying. When her frantic pounding was answered and she was again let it, she cried out in joy, "I have seen the Lord!" But they didn't believe her, because they had not seen Him when they were there. 

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