Chapter Three

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Disclaimer: All characters are not mine. No copyright infringement was intended. Thank you to Stephenie Meyer for creating Edward and Bella for our enjoyment. I just like playing with them, making them my own ... even for just a little while.

Chapter Three


I arrived in the states, landing at a private airfield in New York State. My passport was scanned and stamped before I was shuffled into a waiting limousine. Inside, I was greeted by a familiar face. "Cullen, you fucker," barked my best friend, a slow grin spreading over his tanned skin, making his teeth appear blindingly white.

"Hello, Jake," I smiled, hugging him. He was dressed in a black suit, his face covered in stubble and a friendly grin. "Long time, no see."

"I know. The last time I saw you, it was my engagement party to Leah a few months ago," Jake nodded. "And if I recall, you were quite drunk, my friend. How's the hangover?"

I rolled my eyes, remembering fondly about his engagement party and how Leah's roommate, Claire had flirted with me. I got drunk to forget her constant pawing. Blinking back to my friend, I smiled, "How is she?" I asked, settling back into the leather seats.

"Excellent. Buried, head-long, in wedding plans. You're still my best man, right?" Jake asked.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," I smiled crookedly. "Now, what are you doing here?"

"I've been temporarily reassigned by Diplomatic Security," he chuckled, sitting back and crossing his legs. "When your mother said that you were coming to the states instead, they wanted me to be your personal valet and body guard. The fearsome twosome is back in business!"

"What about your position with the FBI?" I asked.

"It's still there, but I'm on special assignment to work with you," he answered. "I think it was your mother's impassioned plea that got me reassigned."

"I'm sorry, Jake," I frowned. "I can only imagine ... I know your position with the FBI is one that you're proud of and you shouldn't have to be my personal body guard forever."

"Masen, don't even sweat it," Jake said, waving his hand. "I'd just closed up a case and was twiddling my thumbs before I got my next assignment, filing reports and that sort of bullshit. So, when diplomatic security assigned me to you, I jumped at the chance."

"I'm glad," I smiled. "Really glad. I think with your help, we can find my brother."

"Your highness, you're needed at the Gevalian Consulate," said the driver.

"Understood," I said. "Let's go, please." The limo pulled away and we made our way to the consulate. I checked in with the diplomat assigned to the United States. She gave me an itinerary of my stay. I wrinkled my nose at the sheer amount of lunches, banquets, charity events and diplomatic dinners I needed to attend, but there were a number of opportunities to look for Emmett in New York. When I was done, I got back into the limo and drove to the secured condo in Central Park West. Getting the keys and speaking with the building manager, we rode up to the penthouse. "Are you staying with me, Jake? Shouldn't you be ravishing your fiancée?"

"I am staying with you and Leah is staying with her parents, trying to save some money for our wedding," Jake shrugged. "I'll be leaving once you're inside so I can pick up my shit from executive apartment."

I arched a brow. "I don't understand, Jacob. What are you talking about?"

"Leah's folks, Harry and Sue? They're freaky conservative. When they found out that Leah was living with me, they threw a shit fit. So, Leah moved back in with them to mend fences and save money. Her dad was not going to pay for the wedding if we were living in sin," Jacob shrugged. "I couldn't afford the apartment we had without Leah's help. So, when the lease was up, I moved out, putting my furniture into storage. I'd been staying in an executive apartment, using my federal discount."

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