Chapter Seventeen

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Disclaimer: All characters are not mine. No copyright infringement was intended. Thank you to Stephenie Meyer for creating Edward and Bella for our enjoyment. I just like playing with them, making them my own ... even for just a little while.

We're going back to Bella next chapter and starting the renovations of the bakery. Plus, we're going to have a date night for Bella and Masen. What should they do?

Chapter Seventeen


I woke up surrounded by fluffy pillows and burrowed in the warmest, most comfortable duvet cover ever. I was wearing my hoodie, but my leggings were off my body, draped over a nearby chair. Sitting up, I was in an elegantly appointed room, tasteful and modern. There was a note on the nightstand. Picking it up, I opened it and saw a brief, but sweet message from Masen.

I'm working out in the fitness center, cherie. You crashed as soon as the music came on last night. I held you for as long as I could, before carrying you to your room. And this is your room for as long as you want it. If you don't like anything, we can change it. I want you to be comfortable.

Anyway, I'm yours for the next few days. Business regarding the loan and renovations for the bakery to attend to today, but I want to take you out on a date, love. It's long overdue. How does making out in the back of a movie theater, dinner and a show, exploring Museum of Natural History seem to you? Sound like fun? There is nothing that I don't want to do with you, cherie. I want to share it all with you, Bella ... truly ...

Love you ... more than words can describe,


Smiling brightly after I'd read his note, I got out of bed, padding to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took care of my human needs, showering and blow-drying hair. After my shower, I blinked up to the mirror, appraising my appearance. I looked rested, relaxed. No dark circles or lines of worry were on my face. My eyes were not wary. My posture was not defeated, carrying the weight of the world. One phenomenal night of sleep had helped so much. Brushing my hair and tossing it up into a messy bun, I padded back to the room. As I did, I walked past the closet. I poked the door open, shocked to see it filled with clothing.

"Fuck me," I squeaked. I stepped into the closet, which was as big as Alice's bedroom at the apartment. I ran my fingers over the fabrics. I looked down at my shabby sweatshirt and leggings, feeling underdressed and unworthy of such beautiful things. I plucked off a shirt from the rack, seeing an expensive t-shirt in my size. "I can't ever repay him ..." I put it back, shaking my head.

"I don't want you to repay me, love," Masen said, his accent deep and his voice honeyed. I turned, seeing him leaning casually against the door jamb of the closet. He was wearing some loose shorts with his t-shirt draped over his shoulder, revealing his bare tattooed chest. His pale skin glistened with sweat and he looked healthy, happy and fucking sexy as hell. It took all of my restraint not to ogle him blatantly. "Did you sleep well?"

"So well that I didn't even feel you move me to the bedroom last night," I said, putting the shirt back on the rack. "Masen, this is all so much. I mean, I don't deserve this. You may not want me to pay you back, but I feel ... I'm overwhelmed by your generosity."

"You deserve more, Bella," he said, taking the shirt I had in my hand and holding it up to my body. As he looked at it, he smiled. It was beautifully sexy and crooked, making me shiver with want. The shirt was a beautiful shade of sapphire blue, with some ruffles running diagonally across the chest. "This will be lovely on you."

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