Chapter Twenty-Five

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Disclaimer: All characters are not mine. No copyright infringement was intended. Thank you to Stephenie Meyer for creating Edward and Bella for our enjoyment. I just like playing with them, making them my own ... even for just a little while.

Up next will be Masen and the first part of Christmas. There will be a citrus warning for the next chapter ... just saying. Some naughty royal debauchery. We're also going to find out more about Emmett. Will he open up to his brother?

Also, thank you Alec for his invaluable knowledge about royalty and suggesting the Château de Chambord as inspiration for the castle of Gevalia. You're a rock star and I appreciate all your help! Hugs to you!

Chapter Twenty-Five


Bella was curled up next to me, sleeping and dreaming as we flew over the Atlantic Ocean. Charlie was also snoring while Linda and Alice were awake. Linda was reading a book on her Kindle and Alice was staring out the window, her face pursed in a grotesque frown. Alice blinked up at me, her eyes vacant and she sneered as she got up, stomping to the bathroom in the private jet.

It was going to be a long fucking trip. Why did I invite the devil spawn?

"Your highness," said the steward. I blinked up and smiled at him, blandly. He was looking at my girl with disdain. "I've spoken with the captain and we're on schedule to land in Gevalia a little after seven in the evening. We were afraid that we would have to go around a storm, but it dissipated, meaning it's clear skies ahead."

"Excellent," I answered.

"Is there anything that you need, your highness?" He blinked around the cabin, his nose wrinkled.

"None of your judgment and attitude," I replied. He stood up, his eyes wide.

"Your highness?" he sputtered. "I would never."

"You have, as soon as they walked on the plane. Not royalty and, therefore, not worth your time. Why should you be polite to these commoners?" I sneered. "That man? He has Parkinson's disease, a debilitating neurologic disorder and is in constant pain, losing more and more fine motor control daily. He worked all his life to provide his daughters, but when he was diagnosed, the woman next to me? The woman I love more than my own life? She gave up her career as a teacher to come home and take over the family business so her father and sister didn't lose their livelihood or home. I don't need your sanctimonious crap, your derision. These people are my personal guests and not pieces of garbage. If your attitude is anything like what I'm going to expect in Gevalia, tell the pilot to turn around. I don't want it."

"My apologies, your highness," he whispered.

"Don't apologize to me. Actions speak louder than words," I scoffed. He nodded, scurrying away.

"Nicely put, Masen," Linda quipped. "He was a weasel."

"He may be out of a job," I grumped. "I won't have anyone give my girl or you any grief. Not some smug steward or the Queen of Gevalia."

"Or Alice," Linda snickered.

I shrugged, leaning my cheek against Bella's head. I watched as we flew over the ocean, seeing it morph into cloud cover and land masses. Eventually, my eyes drifted and I woke up when the wheels touched down on the tarmac. When we pulled into the hangar, the doors opened and we were greeted by Felix. He welcomed our guests with a friendly smile. He also stamped passports and escorted us off the plane. I briefly told him about the steward, who was working with the flight crew to remove our luggage and avoiding my anger, clearly. Felix told me he'd handle it and led us to a waiting convoy of cars. I looked over my shoulder, watching as Felix dismissed the steward. The steward was clearly angry, pointing to the car. Felix nodded curtly and two of Gevalia's military police placed cuffs on his wrists, leading him away to a nearby squad car.

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