Welcoming Party

978 14 1

As Y/N woke up he could hear the sounds of sirens ringing through the ship halls.

Autumn: Good your awake.

Y/N: How long was I out?

Autumn: Just a few minutes.
Y/N stood up and walked to the hallway and saw dead bodies on the ground. He entered the cryo bay next to the one he'd been knocked out in, he found three marines already out of their pods and holding their guns. They followed the Spartan as they went from pod room to pod room, grabbing more marines. Y/N walked into the last cryo bay and saw a marine, and two Spartans still in their pods.

Y/N: Autumn... Wake them up.

Autumn: Alright.

The pods opened and all of them jumped out, the marine coughed a bit but still walked over.

Y/N: Allison and Isabel, we've got a situation and I need your help.

Allison's green armor had a large dent in it.

Allison: Alright, what's the situation. First off where are we?

Autumn: Unknown. But it seems we've been sent to a different universe, it seems we are still in the Milky Way Galaxy. We are located at Earth's position but if this were Earth it would be mapped.

Isabel stayed silent holding her weapon at ready. The marines were listening to the marine that was with the Spartans.

Allison: Well damn. I say first we go to the view port see if the captain survived and then we go to the hanger see if a pelican survived and then we get the hell out of here.

Y/N: Okay Isabel, Allison, take the marines to the hanger get a pelican working and I'll meet you there with the captain if he survived.

Isabel nodded

Allison: Alright. Marines! Move to the hanger!

Marines: Yes ma'am!

They all left the room including the silent Isabel. It left Y/N to himself. He fell onto the ground.

Autumn: I'm sorry. I shouldn't of deleted your medical report. Your injuries are too severe too continue.

Y/N: Autumn. Isabel... She's a Spartan II isn't she?

Autumn: Yes.

Y/N stood up hurting his legs profusely. He made his way to the view port and found the captain sitting there with a broken leg surrounded by the dead bodies of the technicians.

Autumn: Motion outside entering the ship. A hole was blown in the side.

Y/N looked and saw four dots on his radar. He was terrified because of his injuries and his cracked helmet. He unholstered his pistol and noticed only one of the dots remained on his radar. He turned around away from the captain and saw a girl wearing a white dress. Y/N lifted his pistol and aimed it at her.

Y/N: Where's the rest of your team? Where are they hiding?

???: How did you kn-


???: Fine! Come out guys.

Three girls came out one wearing a red dress and another wearing black and the last was wearing brown and yellow.

Smith: Spartan, let's move now.

???: I don't think that's happening.

A man wearing white walked in front of the girls with four white robots.

Y/N: Who are you?

???: Listen I don't know where a robot like you came from or why you are pointing a gun at me but I recommend you stand down and come with me.

Y/N heard the word robot echo in his head. His pistol grip was being squished and now had dents in it.

Autumn: Heart rate increasing. Calm down.

Smith: Autumn let him do his thing alright?

Smith chuckled and stared at the Spartan smiling. Y/N holstered his pistol and walked toward the man wearing white. His hands curled into fists as he stomped his way towards the man.

???: Are your circuits fried? STAND DO-

Y/N stepped on the mans shoe breaking his toes, then the Spartan punched the persons ribs and broke three of them. Finally Y/N knocked the guy out. The robots began to fire at him barley damaging his shields. He grabbed one of the robots heads and began beating up the robots.


Y/N stared at the girls after eliminating the robots. They all ran. (I mean I would to)

Y/N looked at the man wearing all white who now laid on the ground. Allison came over his helmet radio.

Allison: What's going on I heard gunfire?

Y/N: Just a little trouble. I'm on my way now.

Y/N picked up the captain and ran through the halls and down to the hanger. A pelican was open and was already started so Y/N jumped in and placed the captain in the middle.

Y/N: Isabel give me a splint I'll put it on the captain.

Smith: That'd be nice.

Isabel walked over with a splint in hand and as Y/N went to grab it she stared at his hand which was covered in blood. Y/N snatched the splint.

~Time Skip~
(Cause I'm too lazy to write)

Allison: Hey... We've got a issue.

Y/N: What is it now?

Autumn: Look for yourself.

Y/N went to the cockpit and stared out the window. They were flying over a city. A large city. At least that's what it looked like.

Y/N: We'll find a large forest and set camp there.

Allison: Yeah good idea, but I don't know where any forests are.

Autumn: I've been mapping the areas as we've gone by and there hasn't been any forests large enough to set up a mini base. So head around the city and maybe there'll be a forest large enough to build a base.

The whole pelican shook, they'd been shot.

Autumn: What? Oh no.

Autumn: Y/N? Your injuries are finally reaching the rest of your body. You'll pass out in twenty seconds.

Allison: Don't worry everyone! I've got the pelican under control! Y/N and Isabel get on top! Take out those missiles!

Y/N and Isabel climbed up in a matter of seconds. Y/N's vision became blurred.

Y/N: Isabel... To your rig...

Y/N went unconscious and slid off the side of the pelican. The air warped around him as he fell down towards the city below.

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