Rough Landing

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Y/N awoke in his suit of armor on a gurney. He was unable to move because his armor was locked.

Autumn: Your awake. Great.

Y/N: Yeah... Great... Could you unlock my armor please?

Autumn: Yes sir!

Y/N's limbs fell from their locked positions and hit the gurney.

Medic 1: I think he's awake.

Medic 2: I doubt it, it might just be his suit reacting after the fall.

Y/N: No I'm awake

Y/N said as he stood up and pushed the medic out of the way and into the wall. Y/N looked around and saw a group of people running to him with weapons like scythes, swords, and odd guns.

Autumn: Your outnumbered.

Y/N: Really? I seriously must be blind! I me-

Autumn: I get it just shut up and fight.

Y/N: I like the sound of that.

Y/N started running at the large group of attackers, one of them had a cane, one had a gun that was also an axe, one had a sword with gears on it. There were a few more but not too many. As Y/N got close enough a man wearing black with a green scarf and grey hair stepped in front with his cane.

???: Stop!

Autumn: I'll look around for other movement.

Y/N stopped running and looked at the man before putting his hand on his magnum.

???: I know your a soldier. So you see your outnumbered, surrender and we will not hurt you. I don't want you to get hurt so please.

Y/N: What are the chances I can beat them Autumn?

Autumn: The chances are very-

??: Low. You can't beat us buddy so c'mon just surrender.

A man with dark grey hair said his voice deep and raspy.

Autumn: Chances are you can beat them, but if you fight them you might start a war I think we should do this as peaceful as possible.

Y/N: I already killed one of them.

Autumn: False, you did not kill him I made sure of it.

Autumn: So this is your choice. Are you human, or are you a machine?

Y/N: Fine!

Y/N put his hands in the air and watched as the man with the cane walked over to him.

???: No need to surrender. Your not under arrest. Here let me show you around.

Y/N: But we were engaged in combat your not going to take me prisoner?

???: No, your not from here so we'll have to question you but we won't imprison you without a fair trial.

Autumn: Good choice.

???: That's an odd choice of clothing, it's made of metal?

Y/N: It's not clothing, it's armor.

???: So what's under the armor? Mind taking your helmet off?

Y/N: Yeah I do mind. And I'm wearing another piece of clothing under my armor, it's a suit that conditions me so I can wear the armor.

???: Your helmets broken.

Y/N: No shit.

Autumn: This man has no idea that the UNSC or Covenant ever existed, it is likely we have been jumped to another universe or to somewhere across the universe.

Y/N: Good to know.

The man with the can stopped and looked up at the Spartan

???: Who are you talking to?

Y/N: Myself.

Autumn: Chances of him believing you are very low.

???: Okay. Analyzing your surroundings perhaps.

Autumn: He is an idiot.

Y/N began reaching for his magnum before he heard voices come over the radio,

Allison: Spartan-J5B2, Y/N L/N please respond.

J.J. Mcarthy: Spartan you dead or what? Us marines need your help here!

Y/N felt a sharp pain in his leg again before he fell down to one knee.

Y/N whispered to Autumn
Y/N: Autumn I need to fight. How long do I got left?

Autumn: About five minutes. Enough time to get to the forest in Allison's direction.

Y/N: Is she with Isabel?

Autumn: Mmm... My scans indicate that she is not with Spartan Isabel.

Y/N: Well fuck it.

Y/N Stood up and turned to the exit and sprinted at 56 mph. He ran past the people holding their weapons and he pulled out his magnum, he looked around confused on why to go he saw children with guns walking around.

Autumn: Setting marker on Allison's location.

A red dot appeared and said 500m next to it so he followed. He ran until he reached the trees and slowed down slightly and saw as his shields fell completely, he blind fired behind him. He didn't know if he hit but now the marker said 150m so he continued through the forest. He got to 1.3m and saw the marines and Allison setting up a mini base before his vision went blurred and he fell.

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