Chapter 2: Paradise?

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Chapter 2 Paradise?

The sound of a loud noise forced me to open my eyes. I wondered what was making all this ruckus, probably just my alarm clock. When I struggled to sit up, I fell back again.

What the--?

My limbs lay useless, stretched out to either side, and after lifting my head, trying to get a grip on my predicament, that's when I discovered that someone had restrained me by tying me up. And then, everything came rushing back to me. Dancing with the mysterious stranger, the mysterious stranger drugging me. My eyes roamed around the place. I was in a helicopter, tied to a chair. That would explain the loud noise that had wakened me up. The stranger sat next to me, regarding me with a curious look. His mask was off. He had brown eyes and dark hair. He looked foreign, not from around this part of the country. I guess that would explain the accent.

"What are you going to do to me?" I spat out, while giving him an evil glare. I expected the silence. What I least expected was for him to actually answer me. .

"I'm bringing you to someplace better." His face displayed an amused look, his voice was a nice baritone, seductive even. Someplace better, yeah right. He was probably bringing me to some hellhole in Iraq or something. I wonder how many times that lie had actually worked. Suddenly, I felt my ears muffle up as we began to descend. If I wasn't tied down, I would have been thrown to the floor for sure.

The stranger walked up to me and began untying me. I felt his hand brush against my skin. I didn't want this vermin touching me.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled, but he simply ignored my request. He picked me up and swung me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"We're landing Bryon," someone called from the cockpit. So his name was Bryon. Such a charming name for someone so evil.

He began to walk down the gangplank, with me still over his shoulder. The world was spinning and I could feel the blood rushing towards my head. It wouldn't be too long until I fainted.

"I'm dizzy," I complained, while tugging on his shirt. Without breaking his stride, Bryon turned me around and carried me like a princess. My face turned a bright red, and I immediately turned forward before he could see it.

"You know I can walk right?" I said, trying my best to push myself to the ground. Desperate to get away from his touch. But of course, Bryon ignored me again.

The black car loomed closer. It was a stretch limo. This was bizarre, why would he kidnap me if he himself was rich. I turned around and regarded Bryon with another look. My eyebrows rose. On a closer inspection, I noticed that he was wearing an Abercrombie and Fitch t-shirt and True Religion jeans.

He looked down at me as he placed me into the waiting car. Bryon got in after me. He yelled something to the chauffeur in French. The engine roared and we were off.

"My father is going to track you down, you know? I'm not the type who can just disappear off the face of the earth. I bet my parents are already looking for me. Besides, why would you need to kidnap me, I can tell you're rich. Unless you stole those too." I rambled on.

Bryon kept his mouth shut, staring ahead. His face was neutral now.

"Don't act like you don't know what's going on."

"I don't know what's going on," I yelled, "and you're not like any kidnapper I've heard of."

The car suddenly stopped. He abruptly turned around and faced me. I shrank back into my car seat, away from the menacing aura that was emitting from him, but all he did was unclick my seatbelt.

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