my gem (eddsworld gems au)

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Tord's POV
I am a gem. What kind? you ask, well, I'm a ruby, my family died because of an attack from the blue diamonds. I never understood why they would fight them. Blue diamonds were like us! The only thing is that they are blue and are diamonds (obviously) Today we were getting ready for battle. I was going to become the new leader of rubies but not now, since we were in war at the time.

So we were fighting until I saw one diamond. I believe he was around my age. He caught me eye right at the moment I turned my head. But.... Why? I really don't know.. He looked cu- PULL IT TOGETHER TORD. Usually when rubies are caught with their enemy by their side, that counts as betrayal. Which is confusing.

Time skip

My friends, matt a amethyst and edd an peridot, came over. Just for a visit I guess, but they said that they wanted to talk to me about something. "So what were you going to tell me?" I asked "oh! So one of our friends came back to earth! Don't you remember him?" Edd said. What? A friend? "Any hints?" I asked. He nodded, "he is a blue diamond" edd said. With just that, I knew who he was talking about. He was talking about Thomas. He left because of personal reasons. I guess he decided to come back. Wait... But I saw another diamond on the battle field that looked just like him!!! Or was it him? "Oh yeah! Tord, we were thinking that we should move all together into a house!" Matt exclaimed. My face softened. "You guys know I can't move. This is my home, I can't let them down" I said with a frustrated tone.

"You can! You can escape! It won't hurt to try! They're your people, they will understand! Besides, we can visit when we are able to! You won't be hard on yourself plus, you get to stay with us! Your friends" edd said. "Fine. I will give it a try, but if it goes wrong I won't be able to fix it" I said. Edd and matt smiled widely and hugged me, I hugged back, i couldn't help but chuckle.

Time skip

It was late at night, I was going to escape my village, or you can say place? I really don't know but whatever. I took a sticky note from my backpack and wrote,
Dear rubies,
I'm Ok I am not hurt, I just went out. I might not be back, but I'll be alright
I placed the note on my fridge, then I headed out carefully but fast. I passed the guards by tricking them with one sound and another, now I'm in front of the gate, I climbed the gate and jumped down. I was out. Finally, I was free from all of the paper work, from all of the arguements.... Well not really. I was heading to where edd told me to go.

(Time skip. Brought to you by my lazy ass)

Tom's POV (finally)
I was here. On earth. Once again, with my friends. I guess my parents were wrong. They probably hate me by now. Let me tell you that I escaped my planet because I was getting treated like a slave. I didn't except that, even though I deserved it, it was just going to far. But I'm still, I'm glad I was able to escape.

So edd, told me we were moving to a house together. Cool right? But the thing is that, the commie is going to move with us as well. It's fine with me it's just..... I kinda have feelings for that stupid ruby.... I know, I know. It shouldn't be good since, the rubies are our enemies, so that won't be such a good idea y'know? But, I just can't help it. He hates me, I hate him, it's settled. I need to get it together, I've just been stressed lately.

After a few minutes we heard a knock from the door, then again, tord wasn't here yet so that might be him. And guess what, I was right, it was him.

He greeted edd and matt, then glared at me but instead of saying anything or even saying 'hi', he just waved at me weakly, I only waved back but a weaker One.

"So guys, I forgot to tell you that you will have to share" edd said tord's and my eyes widened, we cringed right away. "Sorry, I couldn't afford to buy a house with 4 rooms, but hey! At least you guys are going to make an effort! And that'll be an effort of getting along!" Edd said.

Then he took us to our room, I noticed that half of IIT is dark red and the other half was checkered. We both unpacked and organised, our sides of the room. Once we were finished, I sat on my bed. Looking at a picture in my phone. "If you muss them so much, why did you come back?" Tord asked with his cold thick Norwegian accent. "I couldn't stay there anymore, they could've killed me...." I answered. Tord looked at me surprised, "so what did they do to you?" He asked, "I was mostly treated like a slave, if I didn't listen, they would take me to the torture room" I answered. Tord hugged me right away "I'm sorry..... I'm so sorry. I should've known, I can't believe I was being such a jerk these years!" He said "don't worry, they were just normal arguments" I said

To be continued

Sorry! There will be a part 2 for this!

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