A Tournament?!

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Time is running short...only a few more hours before the fate of the universe was decided...will they all perish? Or will they survive...
—Sonics POV—
"..." Amy looks at me as my eyes were closed as i didn't make a sound "sonic?" I didn't react i was too focused "sooonnnniiiic???" "..." Amy became angry now "SONIC!!!" I snap out of it "Stop no!" I gasped as I woke up from a nightmare "What's up?" "Nothing...." "Sonic?" I look at her... "Amy...I'm leaving soon..." "Huh?" Amy looks at me weirdly "where?" "...a tournament..." she looks at me "care to explain?" I sigh "the gods of everything have announced another tournament of power including every universe having 2 fighters from all 12 universes....and the universes that lose...get erased..." Amy's eyes widen "Sonic..." she looks at me and hugs me "if this is the last time I see you then let's just do something..." I look at her "and that would be?" Amy hesitated for a bit before answering "if we survive then that would be good too...sonic...I want to have a baby...." my eyes widen "A-ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" I was shocked what do I do?! "A-Amy...if we do survive we still have school...who will take care of the baby?" Amy looks at me "w-we could ask our parents to watch over him or her" I look at her "But who willl take care of you while your pregnant?" Amy smiled a bit "you silly but when it gets to the point I can't go to school I can have my parents take care of me until you come home" I look at her and I smile "*sigh* okay Amy...let's do it I guess..."
—Not Gonna Make The Lemon—
-After The Lemon-
-Sonics POV-
"That...." I say Amy continues my sentence "felt amazing...." I look at her "ames I love you" "I love you to sonicku...good luck in the tournament..." "Alright I'll go now...bye ames...I'll see you after" "bye sonicku"
—Sonic And Shadow Meet Up With The God Of Destruction Kaioshin And Angel Of Their Universe As They Get To The Ring—
We are here...the fighting stage to see which universe will survive....my universe....the twelfth...or the other 4... the first...eighth....seventh...or the ninth....only 2 warriors from the universes...my universe? Me and shadow...I know the other 2 in universe 7 Cause Of godtube they are Goku and Vegeta. Goku I hear...has mastered ultra instinct like me...
-the gods of all give the sign as the tournament began all the fighters charge as they are all fighting I see Goku and jiren fighting already Vegeta fighting the fat dabber toppo shadow was fighting a random fighter as I sat back and wait for someone to attack me until a universe 6 fighter...Hit I believe attacks me as I dodged his attack taking my fighting stance now-
"Perfect timing" we both clash for a while as I hear universe 9 was already erased now as the first universe 2 fighter is knocked off
—it was now half time as universe 3 2 9 8 6 and 10 Are all erased which left 1 4 5 7 11 and 12–
—I was fighting the last universe 5 member until I heard this—
"Shadow Of Universe 12 has dropped out" Damnit! Shadow lost it's all up to me! "HRA!" I hit the u5 member off as Universe 5 was now erased
"All the members of Universe 5 are gone...they have all dropped out...therefore...Universe 5 shall be erased" —the gods of all erase universe 5– "so now its me...vs universe's 7 1 4 and 11" suddenly I hear "Universe 11's Toppo Has Dropped out" "Vegeta...now he's gonna come for me..." just like I predicted Vegeta came at me as I was in hyper as We clash —A few
more minutes pass by as Universe 1 and 4 are now erased as it's just me...jiren Vegeta and Goku....Damn...—

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