Part 1

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I rush to our spot. Hoping she's still there I get off my motorcycle and run to our spot. I get there and look for her...I don't see her. I look again and the brown headed girl I fell in love with...she's still here...she waited almost 3 whole hours I go up to her. She still didn't see me. That's when she got up and turned flowing with the breeze looking beautiful as ever. But her face didn't match her body...she looked worried,sad...she runs to me and jumps in my arms and buried her face in my neck her arms tightly around my neck also legs wrapped around my torso my arms around her waist
"You had me worried " she said
"Why?" I questioned
"I tried texting and calling you and you wouldn't answer" she says breathing heavily on the verge of tears "I was so scared"
"Why?" I asked again
"I thought you got hurt or something"
She was right I AWAYS answer her quickly
"Look at me" I whisper
She looks up from my neck tears slowly falling down
"I'm here ok? I'm safe I'm not hurt look see" I put her down and spreading my arms out...she just jumps back in my arms...I smile... She changed me and I changed her
"I fucking hate when you leave(aye sad n low-young dagger d*ck) me...I crave your touch the girl I fell in love with says
" I love you"
"I love you" my best friend says
We both say at the same time...exactly the same time...I smile...she smiles that beautiful smile little tiny "dimples" show she says she doesn't see them so she says she doesn't have any we always playfully argue about this...the beautiful smile I fell in love with years ago when we were young the one that got me hooked. Teeth showing with teal blue for her braces to make her smile more beautiful...not that it wasn't before
"That's it game over"
"I know" I whisper
"You know the deal you gotta stop drinking smoking and your so called "bad boy ways" " she says
I smile
" you do too" I say
"I know" she says almost less then a whisper
She smiles again


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