Part 3 Y/N's POV

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We ran down the stairs to the kitchen and sat at the table.
"Yes pizza!" I said
"Yay" Celab said
"Yes" Brayan said
"Woo" Sam said
We all basically inhaled our pizzas

"Your mom makes the best pizzas"
all three of them say. They're right my mom makes the BEST pizzas EVER period she makes the best pizza ever.

I could still remember us as we were kids and what we and how we acted towards each other and how we acted towards other people. But right know I'm waiting for him to come. I'm currently waiting at our spot. We come here all the time, we come here to talk about anything , have fun, drink, talk about our problems...just us, just me and and him..."best friends is all we'll ever be" best friends is all we'll ever because he doesn't see me the way I think I see him.It's been hours and I've tried calling and texting answer. God this Boy gets me...ugh. He's got me worried...all the time you never no with this boy...or should I say all three of them. They're all so unpredictable. But there's only on difference between of all them...I-i love him...I never admitted it before I never realized it until now...I love HIM. Him out of all people him my best friend who I NEVER thought I would have feelings for...but I He's so different from the rest...from all the boys in my life. He cares for me,he hates when I'm sad,mad, heart broken from some fboy who I thought would treat me different, my shoulder to cry on even though I never wanted him to see like that but his stubborn ass wouldn't leave me alone when I said I wanted too be,that's one of the things I love about him he could see right through me and know exactly what I want,he's always there for me, he's always with me, me makes me laugh so much that I start to cry and my stomach starts to hurt and laughs at my weird laugh, he puts up with my mood swings, my "bad attitude",when I get all smart and talk back, he puts put when I get all crazy, and me? I do the same and honestly it gets annoying... Just kidding. I love this boy. I'm just a girl. I'm just a girl sitting at our spot waiting for my best friends to come because I have to tell him how I feel, my other two best friends have been telling me for the longest amount of time to tell him but I've been to scared too what if he doesn't feel the same way and it just ruin our 14 years of friendship. know what I've been here for 3 hours waiting for him I'm just gunna leave and tell him later.
I sit there just for a couple for minutes just to see if he comes. I get up and get ready to leave our spot as I turn around I see him...the boy I fell in love with. The boy with the long brown hair, green eyes, big lips but not to big, the boy that makes my breath hitch everything I see him, the boy who's got me hooked to him. I made a worried/sad expression and run up to him and jump in hid arms and buried my face in his neck my arms tightly around his neck and legs wrapped around his torso. His arms around my waist tightly

"You had me worried " I said
"Why?" He questioned
"I tried texting and calling you and you wouldn't answer" I say breathing heavily on the verge of tears
"I was so scared"
"Why?" He asked again
"I thought you got hurt or something" 
"Look at me" He whisper
I looks up from his neck tears slowly falling down
"I'm here ok? I'm safe I'm not hurt look see" He puts me down and spreading his arms out...I jump back in his arms...I could feel him smile... He changed me and I changed him
"I fucking hate when you leave me...I crave your touch" I say to the boy I madly feel in love with and it doesn't matter that we're young
" I love you"
"I love you" my best friend says
We both say at the same time...exactly the same time...I smile...he smiles that beautiful the one that shows his deep but not really that deep and his crocked teeth one behind the other but not so much in the front and that's another reason why I love him it reminds me that one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes, he smile got me hooked since we were kids...once I started getting feelings for him it was his smile that got me/ other thing but the smile when I seen it I was like damn this boy got hooked good🙄😍😍
"That's it game over"
"I know" he whispers
"You know the deal you gotta stop drinking smoking and your so called "bad boy ways" " I say
He smiles
" you do too" he says
"I know" I say almost less then a whisper
I smiles again

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