Part 2 (Y/N' POV)

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" 1 2 3..." Brayan counted as I ran to hide
"Ready or not here I come" he said looking for me
I was in my room hiding under blankets
If I can't see him he can't see me
" y/n" he called out looking for me
He was walking around my house then I heard footsteps around me I held my breath I thought he I giggled 
I gasped covering my mouth shutting my eyes tightly closed
I feel the blankets being pulled off of me I screamed then Giggled
"Found you" he he said
"You're it" he continued
"Aww" I pouted
"Ok" I walked downstairs to the couch and closed my eyes shut and started counting to 10 when I got to 10 I yelled
"Ready or not here I come"
I looked in the living room behind the the couches, but the window then I moved to the kitchen and looked under the table...under the cabinets I still couldn't find him
I moved on to the next room and the next until there where no more room to look. So I decided to look outside
I looked in the sides in the front but I didn't check the back. I ran inside through the hose to the back door. Opened the sliding door went onto the porch and down the stairs. I walked towards the trampoline and looked under there.
"I found you" I giggled
"You cheated"
"No I didn't"
"Yes you're not allowed to hide out side the house"
"I'll race you inside" he challenged
"If I win you have to owe me a cookie and if you win I owe you a brownie" he offered
We got ready to race inside my house
"1...2...3 Go" he said
And with that we took off running. I was falling behind so when I was beside him I pushed off of him so he was behind me. I looked back at him and saw he was right behind me. I laughed and giggled but that slowed me down and Brayan got in front of me and up the stairs and into the house
"I win" he said once I caught up to him
"Aww" I frowned
" you cheated and still lost" he teased and then started laughing
I gave a glare
"Hmh it's not fair your older then me"
"You still lost" he continued to tease me
"Kids your friends are here" mom called out
I smiled and ran towards the front door and seen my two other best friends I ran and hugged them both. I haven't seen them in a long time (and but that I mean 2-3 days)
(Lil info on Sam. He lives in England but comes to Canada (or wherever you live) to visit me but also because his parents have business meetings and stuff so he comes so he can visit me,Caleb and Brayan.) (I'll give more info in the next chapter)

"hi guys" I say excited
"What are we going to do today?" Sam asked "me and Brayan are playing hide and you wanna play?" I asked my best friends since we were in diapers
"That's sounds boring" Caleb said
"What about...tag?" Brayan suggested
"Yes" I said
"Sure" Caleb said
"Ok" Says Sam
"Ok put you foot in" we all put our foot in. Side by side forever and always.
"Bubblegum bubblegum in the dish how many bubblegum do you wish" Brayan said as his finger landed on my foot
"1..2..3 (and so on)"
until it landed on my foot.
"You're it" and with that they all got up and started running away. I started running as fast as I could. Caleb the closest out of the 3 boys was right in front of me I reached out my hand and yelled
"Tag your it" and I turn and run away from him and into the kitchen. There I was under the table hoping Caleb wouldn't find me.
"Y/N" someone whispered
I looked up and seen Sam I smiled and he smiled back
"Can I hide with you?" He asked
" yea but be quite" I whispered back and with that he climbed under the table with me. Sitting right beside me like always one of them or all of them beside me since we were kids
"Tag your it" Caleb yelled
"Aww" me and Sam heard obviously Brayan
Then we heard footsteps running past us then again. Then we heard mumbling and heard footsteps getting closer. We seen two pairs of small feet on both sides of us. Me and Sam exchange scared/shocked looks got up and ran as fast as we could but they caught up with us not that we were slow. They both caught us and said at the same time
"Your it"
"What!" Sam kinda yelled
"Aww" I said
"Double tag" said Brayan and smirked
I rolled my eyes and said
"Not fair" I pouted and looked at Sam and gave him a look and make a "distraction"
"That's not fair" I said again and me and Sam both tagged them and ran into my room. Me and Sam pushing our selfs on the door so they couldn't get in
"Kids dinner is ready" my mom yelled

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