Chapter 6

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Astrid's P.O.V.

I tried lifting my arm from the cot but it was made of bricks and it was stiffer than concrete. I grunted as I pushed myself into a sitting position. My shoulders were burning and my legs were frozen jello. About the only thing that didn't hurt was my neck. I forced through the pain and the gravity took it's toll on me as I stood up. I take a deep breath and swing my arm in a circle, holding back screams of pain with every rotation. When my arms were loosened, I moved to my legs. I reached down to grab my ankle and brought my foot up until it was above my head, my leg stretching up my back. It hurt like heck but when I released it, there was so much relief I was wondering if I was on half a cloud. I did the same to the other leg before falling back onto the cot. I looked at the clock and saw that it was no later than 9:00. No guns. No knives. No ropes. No chains. No means of ending the suffering!

"End the suffering," I order blankly as Haddock walks into my cell.

"Sorry, can't do that," he says casually as he leaned his back against the wall.

"Seriously. Pull your gun out of your holster, cock it, plug your ears, aim right between my eyes and pull the trigger. I've done it thousands of times, it's easy," I say, as if explaining something to a 10-year-old.

"I'm not going to shoot you, Astrid," he says. I cross my arms and turn my head away.

"Then I'm not talking to you," I say stubbornly.

"You know, I've never had someone shun me just because I wouldn't shoot them," he says and I don't answer. "Oh, wow, you were serious," he says after a pause. After a minute, he sighs. "Okay, fine. Don't talk to me, just follow," he orders and I snort a huff of breath before standing up and following him to the hall. I hunch my shoulders and stuff my hands in my pockets as he walks me down the hall, glancing at me over his shoulder as he moved at a brisk pace. With my long, angered strides, it was easy to keep up with him, and I kinda wished he'd go faster.

"Can you go any slower?" I ask bitterly before he chuckles.

"And she speaks!" he cheers, throwing his fists in the air in victory before opening a door. I grumble under my breath as I storm in and he closes the door behind me. I sit on the stool and lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees before the lights turn on. I look up before spinning around with a sarcastic smile.

"See? That is why you should let me into these rooms, when the lights are already on," I say to the mirror.

"There's no coolness in that," the speaker says.

"But there's coolness in kidnapping someone?"

"Either answer our questions or bring your brother in and we will let you go."

"I've already told you, the day I tell you anything about him or do anything for you, is the day I grow wings on my feet and turn into Hermes!" I shout.

"I told you! She's not ready to crack!"

"Hey, Haddock, your mic is on!" I snap.

"Ah, crap," he grumbles before a small beep sounds and the voices leave.

"Hard to believe he's the mastermind of this shindig," I mutter as I pace around the room with crossed arms.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

"Well maybe if we didn't pamper her she'd fess up!" Alvin snaps.

"Are you saying I'm going easy on her?!" I ask.

"If the gun shoots," he spits.

"Not more than ten minutes ago, she was telling me to shoot her," I tell him.

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