Chapter 2

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-Chapter 2 The Empty Jars-

"Good evening to you! I'm Seraphina Vivian, you can just call me Sera!" The Brown haired female gave a closed eye smile, reaching her hand to give her roommate a handshake.
Idvia slowly reached her hand out, although her roommate seemed very kind, she seemed a little to energetic. Her green eyes glimmered as she looked to Embrosa, who was now perched on the bird swing that Idvia brought with her.
"Wow! Is that your familiar?!" She peered at the Phoenix excitingly.
"You could say that..." Idvia responded, scratching her cheek. "Anyway, I'm Idvia Wozora, that's my companion over there, Embrosa."
"Oh! I almost forgot, I need to talk to the dorm mother! One moment!" The excited brunette dashed out the room as Idvia seemed giggle at the action.
Alone at last the wizardess collapsed on her bed with a sigh. "Well we are here Embrosa, you owe me an explanation for your strange behavior today." She stumbled turning her head to the perched being.
"Strange? Whatever do you mean?" A calm voice started, "I had to inspect the strange magic I felt."
"Huh? What do you mean?" Idvia sat up looking toward her mystical friend.
"That man with the golden eyes. I sense that he gets along with many winged creatures, however there was a presence around him that seemed off." Embrosa explained as Idvia's eyes widened.
"You mean Sigurd? What do you mean presence?"
"I do not know just yet. I will get back to you when I find out, but I do believe you have another question?" The Wizardess nodded when she stated the fact, rolling up her sleeve to reveal a marking on her wrist.
"Yea, what's this magic circle mark for?"
"It's to help you summon me while I'm away, if needed. I must investigate further into this dark presence." Embrosa stated stretching her wings.
"Right... don't get to into trouble alright? Anyway that can start tomorrow though, I'm exhausted." Idvia sighed, relaxed on her dorm bed. Reluctantly she got up, and ruffled through her suit cases. Stopping in from of a black travel bag, carefully opening it to show two belts, a waist-belt and a chest-belt, hooked with glass jars and tubes.
"What's that?" Idvia jumped when a new voice spoke. She growled slightly turning to the brunette female who now stumbled back.
"Sera! Don't scare me like that! These are glass!" The blue haired wizardess scolded setting both belts on her desk next to the book she took out not long ago.
"S-sorry! I just got curious. What are those empty jars for?" The brunette asked, her curious shined in her green eyes.
"They only look empty, however these are very important and must not be broken." Idvia warned her roommate who just tilted her head. She continued with out any problem. "I'll show you in class, seeing as we are together."
"Ooo mystery! How exciting!" Seraphina yapped as she eyed the empty jars and tubes. "We should get some rest then! Classes start tomorrow!"
Classmates were gathering in the classroom, talking groups as they waited for the bell to chime. Idvia was communicating with Sera close to the door as it opened to reveal Klaus.
"You're in the way Wozora, take that strange get-up and move farther into the room." He muttered before pushing his way past and onto a seat not far in. Sigurd followed in with a small eye role before turning to his buddy with a smile.
"What he means to say is 'good morning'."
"Don't put words into my mouth Sigurd." Klaus spat as he got out his books and note pad.
"No matter what the Goldstein says, I'm just glad he remembered my name." Idvia nodded as she turned to her brunette friend. "Sigurd, this is Seraphina Vivian, my roommate. Sera this is Sigurd Curtis, my chosen buddy for my time here at the Academy." This wizardess introduced her new friends to each other as she turned back to Sigurd. "I see a questionable look upon you, ask away."
"What do you need those glass containers for. Their empty are they not?" Sigurd blinked as he eyed the jars carefully. Idvia just shook her head.
"Everyone's curious about so-called 'empty' jars. You guys just have poor magical sense when it comes to sight."
"They're filled with magical auras." A new voice sounded, entering the room. There stood a male with shaggy blond hair and gray-blue eyes.
"Thank you!" Idvia started.
"Auras?" Sera peered closely at the tubes hooked to the belt. "Why can't we see them?"
"It's said that not many can actually spot Auras. Ones' sight must have a magical sense to actually spot them."
"Alfonse? Are you teaching today's lesson?" Klaus spoke up, as he looked up from his book.
"We were learning about potions today so the Headmaster asked me to fill in." The older blonde mentioned as he smiled. "However this may be the last class I teach for a long while. I was chosen to go on a research trip for the Ministry."
"I see..." Klaus narrowed his eyes as Alfonse turned to the class.
"Please settle down everyone, the lesson will begin once everyone is in their seats." He called as all the small groups went silent and sat in their respective spots.
Idvia and Sera sat by each other next to Klaus as Sigurd sat in between them. Alfonse made his way to the Podium with a swish of his white cloak. Turning to set a book down onto the stand he smiled at the class.
"Most of you may know me however I'll introduce myself to those who do not. I am the Prefect, Alfonse Goldstein, and because the professor could not make it to this lesson today I will be filling in for her." He informed as Idvia glanced towards Klaus. He looked in different while he watched his brother.
Looking towards the door a pink haired man rushed in, clearly out of breath.
"Made... it..." he gasped as he glanced around the classroom. "Oh dear, I'm in the wrong classroom again?!" He groaned as Klaus turned to the familiar sounding voice.
"Serge? Lost again I see." His voice seemed indifferent but the look in his eyes told he was secretly happy to see him. The pinkette drooped his shoulders with a sigh.
"I knew I should've paid attention to where Randy went." He muttered but turned around back out the door. "Sorry for interrupting! I'll be on my way!" He dashed out, down the hall once more.
Idvia stole a glance at Sigurd, who didn't seemed affected by the sudden event. She shook her head and looked back to the eldest Goldstein. I'm sure it won't be the last I see of that man. She watched on as Alfonse started the lecture.

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