Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 The Three Friends

"Relax Sera! The more you squirm the faster it will grow!" A classmate was yelling as Sera froze in her spot. How did this come to be? Seaphina's hair covered her whole body, a side effect from the potion the girl had made.
Some people was struggling to find their wand amongst the sea of hair. Alfonse reached down as he spot his, raising his wand with a flick. In a matter of seconds the sea hair was gone and Sera hair was back &
the whole class relaxed, letting out a sigh of relief.
Some were horrified. One male was even sitting in the corner, curled up as he rocked back and forth, mumbling to himself. Sera shook her head.
"I'm never touching a hair growth potion again!" She declares as Alfonse rubbed his head as the class finally brought themselves together.
With a sigh the Prefect stood back and called to the class. "Perhaps it'll be best to end class there...." he said, rubbing his temple. "Read up on potion charms for the next lesson when you professor is here."
As class was dismissed, the younger Goldstein seemed to rush out the room, leaving Sigurd, Idvia, and Seraphina behind.
"What's that all about?" The Blue haired wizardess asked her buddy. The ravenette shrugged, as he looked off to the door.
"Even though I'm basically Klaus's right hand, he heads out to meet up with his friends, Randy March and Serge Durandal our in the courtyard, usually on break." He mentioned as they made there way out.
"Serge? You mean that man with the cotton candy hair that ran in the wrong class?"
"Cotton Candy?" Sera mumbles as Sigurd nodded. The went down the hall, off in the direction Klaus went off. Sera stopped as she heard her name being called.
"Gotta go! See you later Idvia!" She gave her roommate a wink as she rushed off. Sigurd just gave his award-winning smile as he looked to Idvia.
"So, Vivian is your roommate?" This caused Idvia to shrug.
"She's not bad, just super energetic." She glanced off as the courtyard came into sight. Three men were standing there. A blond with blue eyes, Klaus Goldstein, A male with bright pink hair and pink eyes, Serge Durandal, and lastly a male with Blue-gray hair and green eyes, Idvia assumed it to be Randy March.
"Serge, just what is that?" Klaus was asking. His friend held a stuffed Bear? Stuffed Rabbit? Whatever it was, Idvia was just as confused.
"This is Taffy! I've been experimenting more on charms lately. However I have yet to perfect animating him." Serge seemed slightly disappointed, however he still smiled brightly at the others.
"One of these days your experiments will blow up a wall." The blue-gray haired male teased as Serge just laughed.
"Come on Randy! None of my charms have been explosive!"
"Remember last week?"
"That doesn't count!"
The three laughed, however the good moment lasted for only a few seconds. As an explosion was heard in the distance.
"Wasn't me!" Serge warned as a voice could be heard in the distance.
"Idvia watch out!" However, the warning wasn't enough, a shadow flew over, and vanished. Idvia felt a burning sensation in her left shoulder as she noticed a bleeding scratch.
"E-Embrosa... What was that?" She grunted, tumbling into Sigurd, who held her up.
"The creature. That one I sensed around your friend here. I have yet to iden-" The Phoenix wasn't able to finish as her master collapse on the spot.
"Wow is that a Phoenix?!" Serge seemed to call as Klaus glared at him for the timing. "Right..."
"We need to get her to the nurse. Klaus go get the Headmaster, he needs to be informed about this." Sigurd picked up Idvia after rapping a cloth around her wound. Klaus rushed off in a hurry, heading towards the Headmaster's office.
"Hang in there Idvia."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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