Maki Nishikino

155 4 0

-Aishiteiru banzai... kokode yokata... watashitachi n-

-Wow! Nishikino-san! Your voice is magnificent! 

-What are you talking about? I wasn't singing...

-Stop lying, Nishikino-san! 

-I am not lying baka! Cut that out! 

-Cut out what? I'm just complimenting you. Stop acting all tsudere, Nishikino-san.

-I'm not acting like a tsundere!

-You are lying again, Nishikino-san.

-Stop it!

-Stop what? 

-Stop playing with my brain!

-I am not.

-You are getting on my nerves. You are the one lying here!

-Okay, okay that's enough. 


-Sorry. I just like ticking you. You are so cute! Tee-hee!


Maki grabbed a pillow and threw it on your face.


-I'm sorry! That was a compliment! Not a swearword or anything rude...

-Okay... I'm sorry.... you did nothing wrong...

You came closer to here and hugged her. Her face turned red.

Next chapter: April 27th

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