☆Random Vines Part 1☆

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Fresh:*In a hot tub*

Decay:*In the hot tub with Fresh, on the other side of the hot tub*

Geno:*Recording* Two bros, chilling in a hot tub, five feet apart cause their not gay


Jacky:*Put her hand out at Decay* Hi I'm lesbian

Decay:....I thought you were American



Error: No it's just a crayon-

Fresh:I'M CALLING THE POLICE!! *Put 911 in the microwave*

*Illuminati music*

Microwave:911 what's your emergency?


PaperJam: Dad! I'm hungry!

Error:Hi Hungry, I'm dad


PaperJam:Why did you name me this way?


Decay:*Play the ukulele* Hey, How you doing? Well I'm doing just fine. I lied. I'm dying inside


Baby!Fresh:*Open the gift* It's an avocado...... Thaaaaannnnnks


Ink:*Outside with the police*

Error:INK! IS THAT A POLICE!? I'M CALLING THE WEED!! *Hit 420 on the microwave*

*Illuminati Music*

Microwave:420, what's you smoking?


Hope u enjoyed it!

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