Chapter 18: The Ending {Tikki}

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I picked up the necklace before quickly closing my eyes. Pain shot through me as I clenched the lace harder.

"Elizabeth, the deal is almost complete," the sorcerer stated as Elizabeth cheered and kissed the sorcerer on his cheek.

The sorcerer blushed as he had started developing feelings for the girl he made a deal with. 

I was in the Prince's carriage as I glanced at the now shattered necklace. That was the first time I ever had a flashback about my stepmother's life.

"We had a deal, Elizabeth," the sorcerer stated firmly as he felt betrayed, and indeed he was.

"Some deals are meant to be broken. Besides, how could I love anyone like you?" Elizabeth asked with no emotion as the sorcerer's heart torn itself in half.

"I did my part. Now, it's time to do yours," the sorcerer stated but Elizabeth simply scoffed. The sorcerer then started to feel rage and glanced at her necklace.

He smirked, knowing how to get revenge. "Okay. Let's make a new deal. If you can get Prince Plagg to love you in your younger form, you'll stay young forever," he paused as Elizabeth looked at him in awe.

"However, if you fail, you'll disintegrate into dust, never to be seen again," he finished as he stared at her. "Do we have a deal?" he asked as he held out his hand.

Elizabeth pondered before accepting the deal. The sorcerer grinned before taking Elizabeth's necklace and added his magic into her necklace.

I quickly closed my eyes as my head started to hurt. Somehow, I had a flashback of what happened, but... How?

This was the second time that it happened. The first time was when I interacted with the necklace by picking it up.

I sighed and Prince Plagg seemed to take notice. "Hey, are you alright?" he asked softly.

"I'm fine," I reassured Plagg, but he merely pouted, not believing me whatsoever.

"We'll talk later," Plagg mouthed to me as I simply nodded, not wanting to argue.

I continued watching as we passed by houses. It felt like only yesterday, when I was scrubbing floors and washing dishes. Only now, I'm on my way to becoming a princess.

Silence fell upon us as the carriage stopped. Due to the sudden force, I fell but Prince Plagg caught me.

"It'll take getting used to," Prince Plagg reassured me as I shyly smiled. "Thanks," I said softly as his messager awed at the moment.

The two of us blushed as she giggled. The carriage door opened as the driver bowed. "Thank you," the three of us said in unison. He nodded before heading off.

The messager walked in front of us, as Prince Plagg lingered behind and held my hand. "Hey, everything will be okay," he reassured me once more, sensing that I was nervous.

In honesty, I was! My palms were sweating, and I was panicking in my mind.

What if the King doesn't think I'm good enough? What if I get rejected? My step-sister will laugh at me! I'll be back to being a maid and--

My thoughts vanished when the messager knocked on the King's door. "Come in," he said dully, as she opened the door.

On instinct, the three of us bowed before stopping ourselves. "Your Grace, we've found the girl who fits the glass slipper," the messager said as Plagg gave me a gentle shove.

Due to this, I was now in front of His Majesty himself. "H-Hi, Your Grace," I stupidly stammered as he raised an eyebrow.

Immediately, my mind started racing as I felt awkward. "My name is T-Tikki Lovegood, sire," I added as I mentally facepalmed myself.

Stop stuttering! This is royalty we're talking to!

Not helping!

"Pleasure to meet your acquaintance," King Bourgeois started off slowly, as he ushered his messager and Prince Plagg to leave.

The two left, as the door closing, signaled my fate to come. "One of the servants spoke of saving the Prince, on the night of the ball," he said absently, as Tikki awkwardly coughed.

"The servant also said, that the maiden had red hair," he finished before looking up to see me with red hair.

He moved closer as I made eye contact with the King. Here comes death, here comes--

My thoughts vanished when the King pulled me into a hug. "Thank you," he said sincerely as he was showing real compassion.

He pulled away, and glanced into her eyes. Her light brown hue eyes showed honesty, determination, loyalty, kindness, and compassion.

"I believe my son. You two must be wed at once!" he stated as I felt warmth surge all around my body.

It looks like I'm getting my happy ending, after all.

The King opened the door and bowed. "Princess Tikki," he said as I bowed and left his room. On my way to meet the others, I giggled softly to myself.

Love is crazy, I see this now. If you really want it though, you've to face challenges and obstacles. The reward in the end, is finding the one who is meant for you.

For me, it was Plagg Bourgeois. I loved him with and without his title. He completes me, and I'm positive that I complete him.

As for the flashbacks and my step-mother's necklace, I plan on figuring out more about her past. Maybe, then I'll be able to figure her out as why she treated me, the way she did.

Until then, I have to get ready for the wedding!

           Signing off, Tikki Alina Lovegood

Author Note,
I'm back from my long Hiatus! Did anyone miss me?

As for me, I missed you guys! It was weird being off, for so long, but now I'm back and better than ever!

This is the last chapter. There'll be an Epilogue as stated in the previous chapter.

After that, I'll do a Q & A. When that ends, then... This book will be complete.

Thank you all for reading this, and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter.

Oh! If you're wondering why she signed off, it's because I wanted to give a diary effect.

As always, I'll see you all in the next chapter. Stay miraculous and may your heart soar. Miraculous Love!

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