Myself and a Quick Story

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There are many ways that people can introduce themselves just like there are many ways that people can make pies. I, for one, was that pie that was just sitting on the table along with the other pies. I was also the person that grew up not wanting attention to himself. I was your traditional "middle" child of the family, the person who was usually picked last in a pick-up game of basketball, and the only Asian minority on his grade level in elementary school. 

Born in Long Beach, California and then having to move to the middle of the United States of American in Wichita, KS, I was the California boy of the class. I always had a smile, still do. Throughout this book "blog", you'll get to learn about my past, my upbringing, and everything in between. Anyway, I was always painfully shy growing up. I had the typical crushes that any boy would have on a girl and, definitely, had those painfully, vivid imaginations of my "relationship" with a girl that I liked. Apparently, as well, I had my moments. In kindergarten, I took this crayon from my classmate, Kori, and ate it. Pretty crazy. 

I classify myself as a extroverted introvert. For those of you who do not know what an extroverted introvert is, I will explain it to you. The extroverted side of me, which I call the "musician" side of me, gets most of the attention. Quick sentence back story, yes I am very musically involved in life: I play guitar (you should check out my videos at if you're interested in hearing). Anyway, that side of me is a performer, very outgoing, and will love entertaining you with music. Outside of that, I am a very introverted person: I am usually very independent, will stay up in my room, my space, or anywhere that I feel like I can be by myself. In high school and even college as a music major (still in school, will talk in a different chapter), I used to perform all of the time and be talkative to people at my shows. Then, the next day, I would be laying down in bed playing video games, watching Netflix, and just going to a restaurant by myself. I think of my social life as a battery-- there is a point where the battery needs to recharge. When the battery recharges, I can go back out again until the next time I need a recharge. Right now, as I'm writing this, I am currently in that "charging" phase. I'm sure you all are familiar with extroverted introverts so I'm not going to bother elaborating on the explanation. 

This picture is from one of my college musician days-- I was the guitar player for a college jazz band

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This picture is from one of my college musician days-- I was the guitar player for a college jazz band. I feel like this perfectly explains my extroverted side of me: I get into this zen where I block everything out and I am able to play music from my heart. By the way, I promise I do not have like 23 different personalities like in that movie, "Split", written by M. Night Shyamalan. That movie is crazy if you haven't watched it yet. 

As I keep writing these small chapters, again, you'll get to know my life and my story. It may be very scatter-brained right now (I am scatter-brained, honestly) but I have an idea of how I am going to structure this without going overboard. I really want this to come from the heart: being in my zen, relaxed, and telling you what I want you to know. 

To end this off, I want to tell you a story. Like you already know, I mentioned that I grew up having your typical girl crushes and having these very ridiculous imaginative "relationship" images playing through my head. Well, there are many of those stories. Here's one of them-- by the way, if you are reading this and the story I tell in these chapters involve you in any way, I want to apologize and not apologize to you. Apologizing for the future embarrassment but not apologizing for the experience because I love you all too much to not brag about you. In other words, be honored! I'm going to be VERY blunt and honest with these stories and this blog book but leaving you anonymous as much as I can. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2018 ⏰

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