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As I walked down the hall, I seearched for room 713. People were still rushing past me by the time I got into the classroom. I had expected a large class but instead I had found about ten people milling about. I walked upto a burnette girl with a sun pin and tapped on her shoulder. I had learned earlier to try and avoid asking Sindels for directions or help in any form. "Do you know if we're allowed to sit anywhere we want?" I looked to the girl with curious eyes and she smiled before helding out her hand.

She shrugged. "I'm pretty sure we're allowed to, but don't get your hopes up. Hi, I'm Samantha Bennet." She smiled and I noticed that she was a writer because of her peachy colored eyes.

"Hi, I'm--"

"Vanessa Riling," She laughed knowingly. "Yeah, I know. It's kind of hard not to have a conversation about you. The Lightning Girl. The Lightning Girl dating the Headmasters son, and being given the family jewel." She rose her eyebrows and gestured toward my necklace.

"Luca and I are not dating. The only reason I have this necklace is because it enhances my powers. And, just to stop the rumors, you should start telling people that. It would be really helpful," I waved my hands as if I was wiping her words away. "Luca and I are just friends. A lot of people keep thinking we are dating. Not true. Just friends."

She laughed. "Sorry, I didn't know. But, seriously? You friend-zoned Luca Marda? Do you know how many girls would be willing to kill for a date with that boy? Like, he is seriously a god to some of these girls." Smantha smiled.

"Please tell me you aren't one of those girls." I gave her a shaky smile and she shook her head.

"Nah, definitely not. I mean he's cute but he isn't my type. I like one of his friends, though. So, mind explaining how you're in a third year potions class when you're a newbie second year?"

Before I had time to answer, the bell rang and a teacher walked in. "Hello class. I can be a bit batty so bear with me. My name is Professor Wigburn. Or just Professor. When I call your name please--" The door opened and Jem sauntered in and sat down in the very back of the class. "How nice of you to join us, Prince Jem. Now, as I was saying, when I say your name please turn to me so I can remember your pretty little faces. Please and thank you." Professor Wigburn finished. Sam was the first one called and the rest of us quietly waited for our turn.

Professor Wigburn finished up and then shuffled through the papers on her desk. She flicked her wrist and the image of a paper flew up on the wall as if it were a projector. It was a graph of the room with all of the desks in their places. In the second row, fifth seat from the left, my name was clearly printed on the desk. All of the other desks were blank. I realized it was a charm when everyone began moving around the room and began sitting in different seats. I grabbed my things and moved to my new seat. I saw that on my left was a boy with brown hair and olive colored eyes, animals. But, to my right was the one and only Prince Jem.

"Hello, Princess." His lips curled into a small sly smile. Quickly, I turned away and tried to focus on what Professor Wigburn was now saying.

The entire day was going by in a blur. I already had FOUR classes with Jem and it was eigth period. Back home I bearly had two classes with some of my best friends. So, I grabbed my wand off of my desk and started towards the door. I had no idea how to get outside. "Um, excuse me Professor, but can you tell me how to get outside?" I asked.

Professor Barbenol looked at me with thin, sharp dark brown eyes, persuasion. Thankfully, he wasn't allowed to use it on any of the students. Not that he would or anything. I hope. "Shouldn't you know that by now? After all, it was covered during the orientation."

I opened my mouth but no sound came out. "I'm new. Like, really new." I stumbled over my words and seemed to lose all sense of what was going on around us. "I, uh, was never known to be a wizard. I was found on Earth so... but no one knows why. I- I, um." My mind seemed to have stopped working. Was he using his powers on me? "I have to go," I answered abruptly and walked as fast as I could out of the classroom door.

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