[Chapter 2]

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[Hey i love yugyeom to death he's a tol baby. Ok now that's all, enjoy~]

The door swung open, causing the bell to ring. Inside came a tall male. He was wearing a white shirt, ripped, black jeans and timberlands.
It was none other than Jeon Jungkook.
He was famous in the little village they all lived in. He looked handsome, sure, but that's not what he was famous for.
Everyone called him golden, because there was nothing he wasn't able to do.
He worked at a tattoo-shop nearby. Today was his day off so figured he'd treat hinself and visit the café.
He walked towards the counter and leaned on it.
"Welcome to bangtan seonyedan, my name is suga, how may I help you?", a small pale boy said in what may have been the most monotone and careless voice Jungkook has ever heard.
He smiled at the smaller.
"Wow you're tiny", he snorted and leaned in further.
"How old are you? 16? You look young. Also, suga? Your name is suga? Why is that? Are you -", Jungkook began babbling but got cut off.
"Would like anything with that, sir? Don't miss out on our special offer, the oh so delicious mint cheesecake with chocolate chips, yum!", the small male said, his voice sounded as enthusiastic as before- which was like- not enthusiastic at all. He rolled his eyes and pretended like he didn't just hear the other call him tiny.
"Did you have to memorize those lines?", the taller asked, snorting.
"Mhm", Yoongi answered and hoped the other would stop asking questions.
"I've never been here in this café, it's really pretty", Jungkook said, looking around a little.
"Yeah I don't care", Yoongi muttered as silently as possible, hoping the other wouldn't catch on.
"You're cute, Suga. Is that why they call you Suga?", the obnoxious male asked.
Yoongi groaned at the amount of questions and to his dismay Yugyeom joined the two's conversation.
"Ahh~! Suga, flirting with customers is forbidden", the tall male giggled and went up to the tiny cashier.
Yugyeom wrapped his arm around Yoongi's waist and smiled brightly, turning to face the ravenette.
"Hello~! Welcome to Bangtan Seonyedan, my name is Yummy, how may I help you?", he asked, grinning like an idiot.
"Oh! You all have such special names, why is that?", Jungkook asked.
"We got nicknames and costumors only ever address us with these. All of the employees have cute nicknames.
I'm Yummy, then there's V, G-dragon, J-hope, RM And of course Sugaaaa~", the male towering above Suga pinched his cheeks.
"You're so small I wanna take you with me and keep you forever!", Yugyeom exclaimed.
Yoongi was struggling for life, trying to get the other's hands away from him.
"Stop t-touching me you Lemon-Tree!", he whined, his face grew red at how emberrassing his coworkers were.
Jungkook laughed at the scene that was playing out. He thought that the two were adorable.
Yugyeom engulfed the other in a big bear-hug, muffling his cries for help in the process.
"What would you like to order?", yugyeom smiled at Jungkook.
"Whatever you think is best", he answered.
"Alright, sit down at a table, we'll be right back", yugyeom said and disappeared in the kitchen with a squirmin Min Yoongi.
Jungkook shool his head, chuckling and sat down.
This place was very cute. It was a bookshop and a café in one, there was kpop-music playing in the background and all in all it reminded jungkook of a maid-café.
Instead of maids, though, there were cute, male waiters with weird hair colors.
His gaze wandered around. There weren't too many people. Understandable, though. It was quite early. He knew that there were a lot of people around at lunch-time. The café was very popular.
He then spotted a list with all the waiters that worked there.
He thought it was quite funny how all of them had weird hair-colors.

Suga (24) had white hair, standing at 1.73
V (22) had grey hair, standing at 1.79
G-dragon (29) had lime-green hair, standing at 1.77
Yummy (20) had yellow hair, standing at 1.83
J-hope (24) had red hair, standing at 1.77
RM (23) had purple hair, standing at 1.81

"Ahh, so you're not 16 huh?", Jungkook snickered to himself.
"I'm not.", a voice caught him off-guard and startled him.
He whipped his head to where it came from.
The small waiter called Suga was standing right beside him with what must have been his order.
"Oh-! Wow I didn't see you there, sorry", he mumbled.
The waiter hummed and layed the order on the table.
"Lime-cheesecake with whipped cream and an americano", he said and bowed a little.
"Enjoy", Suga turned around and was about to leave when the other grapped his wrist, to which the smaller flinched.
"Ahh could I maybe have some milk with my americano?", Jungkook asked.
Suga turned around to face the other. Confusion was written all over his face.
"Huh? Americano isn't supposed to go with milk", he said.
The taller was still holding his wrist.
"Mhm and ducktape was once supposed to be honey, but some inventions turn out to be better when they are what they're not supposed to be", Jungkook replied with a smug smile.
Yoongi scoffed, partly amused and partly annoyed at the other's behaviour.
"Are you saying americano tastes better with milk?, he asked.
The other simply nodded, the smug smile was still in it's place.
"I'll treat you one if you like~", he purred.
Yoongi glanced back at his coworkers and spotted J-hope. He walked over to the red-head and tapped his shoulder.
"Ah, Suga~! How's my favorite hyung doing~?", he asked playing with the other's hair.
"Uh- good. Hobi can you do me a favor?", Yoongi questioned, looking up at the other with a bit of a pout. He'd only ever do that to get whatever he'd want and honestly his coworkers always fell for it.
J-hope cooed at the small male and squished his cheeks. "Of course, what can hobi help you with, little sugababy~".
Yoongi felt a shiver run down his spine. He both liked yet disliked this nickname for some reason. It made him feel things he couldn't put into words.
"Take over my shift, please? I'll be back in a few, i'll treat you kimchi fried rice once too", Suga pleaded.
J-hope pretended to think and eventually said; "Mhh.. alright then, give me your badge", he said.
Suga did as he was told and thanked the taller, walking back to where Jungkook sat. He grabbed a jug of milk on his way and sat down across the other.
"Eager, huh?", Jungkook mocked, witggling his brows.
"Whatever", Suga replied and grapped the cup of coffee. He tilted the jug and drew a heart withing the coffee using the milk he had gotten.
Satisfied with how it turned out, he showed the other, poudly.

"That's really cool- what a pity we'll be drinking this", he said, smiling at the other.
"Wanna go first?", he asked to which Suga nodded.
He grabbed the cup and tried some. It tasted unexpectedly good. Nothing new, but it was good nonetheless.
"You like it?", Jungkook asked, watching the other's expression closely.
"It's alright", Suga shrugged.
Jungkook hummed and took the cup himself, drinking some.
"Have you had your first kiss yet, Suga?", he asked.
The smaller knitted his brows at the sudden question. "Huh? No, why are you asking?".
"Because you just did", Jungkook chuckled, pointing to the cup.
Suga snorted, "That doesn't count".
"Yes it does, it's an indirect kiss", the other said, smirking.
"Anyways, i gotta get going then", Jungkook said, gathering his belongings.
"See you around, Suga~", he winked at the smaller and stood up.
Suga frowned at how sudden he was wanting to leave.
"Oh and," Jungkook began, leaning down and grabbing the other's chin. He brushed the other's upper lip, wiping away the milk-stash.
"Usually, I don't like my coffee with Suga. But i think I may have changed my mind", he said and brought his thumb to his own lips, licking away what must have been on Suga's face.
He smirked one last time and left, a big amount of money was left at the table Suga was sitting at on his own now.
Snapping out of the disbelief that was written all over said face, he blinked several times and finally started breathing again. His face was entirely red and his heart was drumming so hard against the ripcage, it was almost audible.

"What the hell..", he whispered and brought his hand up to his face, brushing over where the other had just now.



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