Our Last Big Hurrah

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Ashley: we finish the haunted house and a zombie hay ride where we got to shoot them with paint balls.I couldn't have asked for a better way to start off the night

We head back to the limo and start off to another location. I still have no idea what their plans are

"so where to now?" I ask taking the shash of and throwing it on the ground,

"put it back on bitch!" Chan yells and Em picks it up

"and you'll find out when we get there" Em says handing me the shash

We finally stop and I get out first because I'm so curious. We get out at Joe's Bar,and I'm a little confused,yet excited at the same time

"are you guys serious?" I ask nearly jumping up and down. Joe's is where a ton of country artists play and I always want them to go but they never come with

Brandon: I head back to the back rooms and search for my friend. I knock and was told to come in. I walk in and high five/bro hug my friend...ash might hate me for this....

Ashley: we walk in and I don't mind wearing the shash because I'm in my element,and having fun,enjoying my last big party as a unmarried women

I ask who's playing but everyone ignores me,and I'm not sure if their doing it on purpose. but just as I walk to the bar I hear my name being called from on stage

I turn around and see Chantelle and Em standing there with huge ass grins,they were up to something.

I walk towards the stage after getting a beer

"so our best friend is getting married to a Chicago Blackhawk next weekend, Brandon Bollig for those of you who are hawks fans. but anyway its her Bachelorette party tonight!"

I look down for a second and when I look back up I see Brandon on stage smiling at me. taking the mike away from Chan and Em

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