Safe at 4

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Again, shorter chapter but I wanted to update.comment,vote,etc

Ashley: its been two months since Brandon and I told everyone we were expecting. And today we go in to find out the gender. We wanted to wait till I was safely along in my fourth month before even getting our hopes up with the gender reveal

Brandon: I get up and make breakfast for my's crazy that I'll have my own family soon

I make some French toast and hash browns since it seems to be the main thing Ash craves these days. Breakfast food and fried pickles

I finish cooking then put it all on a tray and bring it upstairs to my lovely wife.But when I get up there she's not in bed,

"Ash,sweetheart...where did you go?" I ask looking around our room then bathroom

"I'm in here" she says..her voice is coming from a different room and I know exactly which one it is

Ashley: I hear B's footsteps coming down the hall then stop in front of the door.He pushes it open with his shoulder then brings in the breakfast he made for me. I swear I have the best husband when it comes to my cravings. I mention one thing and he's gone trying to find them for me

"I should have known" he says smiling and shaking his head

"is that breakfast?"I say smiling getting up from the rocking chair to grab the tray

"sit back down,your pregnant" I laugh because every since I got pregnant,thats all he says to me when I try to do any kind of work

He won't even let me tattoo..because I'm pregnant. I listen to his wishes and take time off from that.I still design for my customers but I don't actually tattoo them

Brandon: We finish eating then head to the doctors office to finally find out if were having a girl or a boy

We sign in and all that good stuff then get called back

The doctor makes small talk before finally turning out the lights and starting up the ultrasound machine

"firtt things first,the baby looks very healthy" the doctor says,

"now what you've been waiting for....its a...boy!congratulations!"

Lover, not a Fighter: Brandon Bollig fanficWhere stories live. Discover now