Baby Sharp Nursery

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Em: since I finally told Pat the other night we can finally start preparing for our little one! And since he has the day off today,we are taking full advantage and starting the nursery!

We don't know if we are having a boy or girl yet,so we are just going gender neutral on the paint. We picked a light brown/tan

For over the crib I found these really cute monkeys with Blackhawk jerseys on!

For the furniture we picked out white,very simple and clean looking. We decided that we would buy the furniture and leave all the clothes and accessories to our friends and family because Pat and I think everything is so darn cute

We just get home from the store and I heard for the couch but Pat stays by the door,

"I have to go to the UC real quick,I'll be right back hun"

I blow him a kiss and he's out the door

Sharp: I get in my car and drive to the UC. I head straight to the back door that they leave open and walk to the locker room. I grab the bag from my top shelf and then head back home

I want to surprise Em with this,but maybe just right not this moment

A Month Later:

Ashley: I'm a few weeks late,and not panicking surprisingly. I don't even bother telling B because I'd like to know for sure. I call up Em and Chan and ask them to go to the doctor with me,

I make a three way call,

"So I'm late,but B doesn't know,I'd like to go to the doctor and take a test, would you guys like to come for support?"

I can hear squeals from both ends,

Em: "could you imagine if we were both pregnant at the same time!"

Chan: "all our baby's will be so close in age!and we'll be MILFS together"

I giggle,

"so I'm taking that as a yes"

I hang up and set up the appointment for later that day


Ashley: I arrive at the doctors office and see Chan and Em just pull into the parking lot. my stomach is doing flips!I'm so nervous and excited

We get inside and get called back right away. I take the test and now its just a waiting game..

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