21- memorize

98 11 4

I spend my nights eyes wide open

With no one but you on my mind

Trying to memorize every detail I have of you

Since I can't have you by my side


**hey guys. It's sim. Going through a bit of writers block for the past couple weeks but managed to find this old piece & wanted to share. I just wanted to thank everyone for the overwhelming amount of support I received yesterday and today on this book.  I had about 705 reads this morning and a few hours later I have 800?! I've been going through a rough patch and your comments make me so incredibly happy. Poetry is somewhere where I feel like I can truly express myself with out worrying about things like my looks, the way I talk, the number of friends I have, etc. anyways this is becoming a super long cheesy speech but truly from the bottom of my heart thank you ❤️

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