thank u

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hello all, 

i've decided to end bloom here. don't worry, im not leaving wattpad or poetry; i just feel like i am at a point where i want to begin fresh with a new poetry book. bloom was kind of a book where i uploaded little thoughts and memos whenever i thought of something and the collection is very near and dear to me, but i have a different direction/theme for my upcoming poems. 

to keep it short and simple i just felt as i've reached a point where im ready to move on from a lot of the people/stories/timeperiod bloom was constructed around. 

that being said THANK U to the people who read, comment, share, and enjoy my writing. it makes me happier than anything else. 

i created this book a little over 6 months ago & over that time we've gotten to 2.4k reads. i know that may be little for some but it's 2.4k more than i ever had so im eXTREMELY grateful. 

a big shout out to the people that leave especially nice comments and encouragement. you know who you are. thank you. i appreciate you. 


keep in mind i have a new poetry book coming *VERY VERY VERY SOON*  !!!!!!!!!!

it's called "Set Her Free" and i'm already so incredibly proud of the first couple poems i've written for it. it is way more complex and developed than bloom was so if u enjoy longer work it may just be ur cup of tea. *hint hint* 

be on the lookout for it in the next couple of weeks. (it will be published as soon as i make a cover for it HAHAHA.)

thank u for coming on this journey with me. let's keep blooming n growing together. 

(<<eww that was so corny im sorry.)

ahhhh this is so bittersweet. :'(

i dont wanna leave. 

but as someone wise once said (i cant remember who it was dont judge me), 

"all good things must come to an end."


that is all. 




see you soon. <33

- sim 

bloom~ short lines and thoughts (✓)Where stories live. Discover now