Unrealistic Fanfiction

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I'm going to go out on a limb and publish a shitty fanfic I wrote in my fifth grade year. Don't worry, it's incredibly unrealistic to the point where it makes me want to cry. Btw I hit copy and paste sooo.  And it's not done I stopped writing it. Maybe I'll continue it? It has zero plot line so idk.
Edit: if this can reach 30 votes and 15 comments, i'll write an epilogue to this horrible cringe story. this might be triggering cause like i was a dumb fifth grader so please watch out and stay safe!!
Harry Potter Fanfiction
Scene 1- The Burrow, a few years the Battle of Hogwarts. Ginny never went back to finish the 7th year of magical education because it was delayed so much for repairs. Harry is 25, Ginny is 24, Hermione and Ron are both 25, too. Ginny and Harry are still broken-up, while Hermione and Ron are dating, Ron proposing soon.
Harry: Ron! Ron, where are you?
Ron: I'm in Ginny's room, talking to her. I'll be there in a minute!
Harry thinks: When can I be with Ginny again? She seemed pretty hurt when I broke up with her to protect her...
Harry: Alright, Ron. I'm going to go talk to Hermione, alright?
Ron: Alright, but hurry. I'm taking her to Hogsmeade for butterbeer in half an hour, okay?
Harry: Okay, Ron.
Scene 2- Hermione and Ginny's room in the Burrow
Harry: Hermione? *knocks on the door to her room* Oi, Hermione, I want to talk to you about Ginny.
Hermione: Come in, Harry.
Harry: *pushes open the door* Hermione? Can I ask you something?
Hermione: *turns a page in Hogwarts: A History* Go ahead, Harry. Ask your question.
Harry: Well, I wanted to ask you, Ginny's been giving off this sad vibe within five feet of her. I love her, but I think she's pretty hurt by me breaking up with her to protect her. What can I do?
Hermione: I think you two should find some time together, alone, to talk to each other. Then see what you can do.
Harry: Alright, I'll try, Hermione.
Scene 3- The Burrow's cramped kitchen
Harry thinks: Gee, Hermione's real good at this love stuff. Maybe I'll try her suggestion.
Ginny: *walks into the kitchen holding a Quidditch book* Hello, Harry
Harry: Hi, Ginny...
Ginny: Something wrong, Harry?
Harry: Ginny, can we go outside? I want to talk to you.
Ginny: Alright. *places her book on Quidditch down*
Scene 4- Outside the Burrow, under a willow tree.
Harry: Ginny, are you sad about me breaking up with you? Please understand. I only did it to protect you from Voldemort...
Ginny: *starts to cry* Oh Harry... I always wanted you back, I always loved you!
Harry: Ginny... I did too. I watched you every night on the Marauder's Map, making sure you were alright under Snape and the Death Eaters' rule.
Ginny: Oh Harry, you did? *sniffles and cries harder*
Harry: Ginny, you'll be okay... *hugs her tightly*
Ginny: Harry...
Harry: Yes?
Ginny: Will you be my boyfriend again? I always loved you.
Harry: Yes, Ginny. I will be your boyfriend, and just always know, that I always loved you, too.
Scene 5- Inside the Burrow's kitchen
Ginny: Mum? Where are you?
Mrs. Weasley: Here, dear.
Ginny: Mum! I have really good news for you!
Mrs. Weasley: Yes?
Ginny: Harry and me are dating again!
Mrs. Weasley: Oh my gosh, that's wonderful!
Harry: Thanks!
Ginny: Mum, are we allowed to move in together at Grimmauld Place soon?
Mrs. Weasley: Anytime!
Ginny: Great, I'm going to go study for my job career, as an Auror.
Harry: Alright, I'll come with you to help.
Ginny: Let's go to me and Hermione's room, then.
Harry: Alright.
Scene 6- Ginny and Hermione's room
Ginny: Alright, so do you know what the three key things of being an Auror are, Harry?
Harry: Yeah. They're being brave, having mercy for your enemies, but not too much, and staying incognito so you won't get murdered by the Death Eaters.
Ginny: *writes his words down in an old notebook that survived the Battle Of Hogwarts* Alright. Anything else?
Harry: Yes. *leans in and presses his lips onto hers, savoring it.*
Ginny: *kisses back, savoring it, too*
Harry: *pulls back* That was our first kiss in a year, wasn't it?
Ginny: Yep.
Ron: *pulls open the door* HARRY!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY DEAR SISTER?!?!
Harry: Nothing.
Ron: Oh. Sorry. I'll let you do your thing, then. *walks shamefully out the door, his ears scarlet.*
Ginny: Sorry, Harry...
Harry: Ginny, I know Ron is concerned about you. And that's completely okay with me.
Ginny: Thanks for understanding, Harry.
Harry: Anything for you, Ginny. *leans in and kisses her again.*
Ginny: *kisses back, eventually pulls away.* We should get this done, Harry.
Harry: Alright.
Scene 7- Late at night in Ginny and Hermione's room, at the Burrow.
Harry: I'm getting tired. How about you, love?
Ginny: *blushes and giggles a little, is getting used to being called love now.* Yeah, I'm kinda tired, too.
Harry: Then let's wrap up and go to bed, alright?
Ginny: Okay. *finishes her last sentence.*
Harry: Where d'you wanna sleep?
Ginny: What do you... Oh, um, how about outside? I mean, it's summer and all, so it can't hurt, right?
Harry: Alright. * takes his wand out and waves it. A tent is Summoned and ready to go.*
Ginny: Okay, I'm gonna go write a note telling them where we've gone.
Harry: Okay, I'll put the tent up under the willow tree. I'll meet you there!
Ginny: Okay.
Scene 8- Outside the Burrow, under the willow tree.
Harry: Erecto! *the tent erects itself.*
Ginny: *closes the door behind her and walks out to stand by Harry.*
Harry: Alright, our tent is ready.
Ginny: Okay. Let's get changed.
Harry: Alright. *crawls into the tent.* Come in with me, Ginny.
Ginny: *nods and crawls in the tent behind him.*
Harry: *changes into his pajamas.*
Ginny: *changes into her pajamas.*
Harry: *crawls into the sleeping bag he brought for both of them.*
Ginny: Where's my... Oh, okay. I'll sleep with you tonight. It's weird cause we've never done this before.
Harry: It's fine, you'll get used to it once we are back in a boyfriend- girlfriend routine.
Ginny: *climbs into the sleeping bag with him.* Okay. I see what you mean.
Harry: *leans in and kisses her.* Yes, we will be together forever, love.
Ginny: *kisses back and wraps her hands around his neck.*
Harry: *wraps his hands in her hair, kissing back.*
Ginny: *savors it, kissing back.*
Harry: *tucks a hand on her back, pulling her shirt and undergarments off.*
Ginny: *keeps on kissing him, and pulls off his shirt.*
Harry: *pulls off her pants and underwear.*
Ginny: *does the same for him.*
I will leave them alone now. Let's go check on Ron and Hermione.
Scene 9: The Burrow
Ron: Hermione? Hermione!
Hermione: Yes?
Ron: Want to come with me to The Three Broomsticks for butterbeer?
Hermione: Sure. *picks up her book on house-elf enslavement.*
Ron: Alright, let's go.
Scene 10- The Three Broomsticks
Ron: *pushes open the door.*
The bar goes silent, and then everyone starts to applaud
Ron: ?
Hermione: ?
Madam Rosmerta: Weren't you guys one of the people defeating Voldemort? Aww, thanks guys!  *hugs them like a mother.*
Ron: No problem, but it wasn't just us, you know.
Hermione: It was also Harry, you know.
Madam Rosmerta: I know, I'll thank him by owl.
Ron: Uh, Madam Rosmerta? Thanks for congratulating us and all, but I'm really getting thirsty, so can we get two butterbeers?
Madam Rosmerta: Of course! I'll get them right now!
Hermione: Thanks! Ron, d'you mind if I work on my SPEW research on house-elf abuse?
Ron: *rolls his eyes.* Alright, it's obviously important to you.
Hermione: *picks up a quill and dips it into the ink, also opening a huge book on house-elves.*
Ron: *waits and thinks about how nice Hermione's hair is.*
Hermione: *her quill scratches against the notebook paper as she studies house-elf enslavement in the 1400s.*
Madam Rosmerta: *puts two butterbeers down on the table.* Here you are, dears.
Ron: Thanks!
Hermione: Thank you!
Madam Rosmerta: Make sure to tell me if you need anything!
Ron: Alright, thanks!
Scene 11- Back at the Burrow, a month later. We are now back on Harry and Ginny, Ron and Hermione merely being a bonus Fanfiction.
Ginny: Hermione?
Hermione: Yes?
Ginny: I'm really worried. A few weeks ago, just when Harry and I started dating again, we slept together. I haven't gotten my period this month. I'm really worried, Hermione! I won't go back to Hogwarts because they're repairing it, and you taught me my seventh year because I couldn't go back, but I don't know what to tell Harry if I am pregnant.
Hermione: It's okay, we'll figure that out later. First, let's figure out if you're pregnant or not. I have a test in my trunk upstairs, why don't you go get that?
Ginny: Alright.
Scene 12- The Burrow's cramped bathroom, with Ginny and Hermione.
Ginny: Alright, I'm gonna take this pregnancy test. Hermione, what should it say if I'm pregnant or not?
Hermione: Two pink lines, I think. *checks the box.* Yep, two pink lines. If you're not pregnant, it'll be one pink line.
Ginny: Alright, here I go... *takes the pregnancy test. A few moments later, she brings it back up to read it.*
Hermione: What does it say?
Ginny: Hermione? I'm pregnant......
Hermione: Oh. My. Goodness..... Congratulations!!!!!!!
Ginny: *falls to the ground and starts to sob.* What am I going to say to Harry? We've only just made up with each other! And I'm only 24, we've been away from each other for so long! What's my mom gonna say? What're my brothers gonna say? What's Harry going to say.....? *sobs harder.*
Hermione: *hugs Ginny.* You'll be okay. First we'll tell Harry. Then we can tell your parents and your brothers. Then we can tell your friends, alright?
Ginny: *stops crying and wipes her tears.* Alright, thanks Hermione.
Scene 13- Underneath the willow tree in the Burrow's backyard.
Harry: Hey, Ginny, Hermione. Do you need anything?
Ginny: I came to tell you.... that I'm pregnant.
Harry: What!
Hermione: It's true. See for yourself, Harry. *hands him the pregnancy test.*
Harry: *jaw drops, wide eyes look down at the two pink lines.*
Ginny: Harry, what am I gonna do...?
Harry: This is wonderful, Ginny, but we've only been dating for a month, being broken up for so long. I'm glad and all, but your family may not react the same way...
Ginny: So let's tell them, instead of waiting for them to find out. We should just break it to them as soon as we can.
Harry: I see what you mean. Let's go, then.
Scene 14- Inside the Burrow's kitchen.
Ginny: Mum?
Mrs. Weasley: Yes, dear? *points her wand at the pot and starts to cook dinner.*
Ginny: I'm pregnant with Harry's child.
Mrs. Weasley: EXCUSE ME?! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY, MISSY? *waves wand listlessly and half-cooked pork spills everywhere.*
Ginny: I'm pregnant with Harry's child. *dodges the steaming bits of pork by ducking and Harry pulls her out of the way.*
Harry: ... Yes, Mrs. Weasley. *holds Ginny kind of like he thinks that Mrs. Weasley will charge.*
Harry & Ginny: Yes, we will.
Scene 15- In the Burrow's living room, with an uncomfortable silence between Mrs. Weasley, Harry and Ginny.
Mr. Weasley: *opens the door.* Hello, Harry, Ginny, Molly, dear.
Mrs. Weasley: *takes a deep breath.* Hello, dear. May I tell you the news I received today?
Mr. Weasley: Sure!
Mr. Weasley: Ginny, that's amazing! Um, I mean, WHAT WAS I SAYING ABOUT WAITING TO HAVE A CHILD?!
Mrs. Weasley: Alright, now that I've calmed down, would you like to tell me how and why did you make this decision when you've only been dating for a month?
Harry: We were just sleeping in a tent outside in a sleeping bag... one month ago.... and I kissed Ginny... then it turned into... yeah...
Mrs. Weasley: Alright, but when did Ginny find out?
Ginny: Today, with Hermione.
Mr. Weasley: Ginny, you're only 24. What are you going to do with this child? You and Harry aren't even married yet! You've only been dating for a month!
Harry: We know. I will date Ginny until after she has the child, then I will propose to her.
Mrs. Weasley: That sounds good to me.
Mr. Weasley: Yes, me too.
Mrs. Weasley: Now we just have to tell your brothers! They're going to be so excited! Just like us!
Ginny thinks: Oh, boy. Ron's going to kill Harry...
Scene 16- In Ron's room with Harry and Ginny. Ginny is about to tell him.
Ron: So, what do you want to tell me? *dips his quill into the ink pot and starts to write.*
Ginny: I'm expecting Harry's child.
Ron: EXCUSE ME?!?! *his ink pot spills all over his desk and he tries to wipe it off his shirt.*
Harry: Yep! Your parents, Ginny, and I are real excited!
Harry: ....Yes. *frowns at Ron's reaction.*
Harry: Calm down, the kid's not coming for another 8 months.
Ron: EIGHT MONTHS IS NOT THAT LONG, HARRY! *pulls out his wand to hex Harry.*
Harry: *pulls his wand out, too.*
Ginny: ENOUGH! PROTEGO!! Ouch..... *falls over and clutches her stomach.*
Ron: *looks through the shield, clearly angry.*
Harry: *looks through the shield, sad that Ron didn't take the news the way he wanted to and pulls Ginny up.* Ginny, are you okay?
Ginny: Ron, stop it..... Harry'll propose after the baby comes okay? *rubs her stomach painfully.*
Ron: Okay, okay. Sorry, mate. Just, move in together at Grimmauld Place or something, cause I don't think that Mum would appreciate a screaming baby in this cramped house. Sorry, Ginny...
Harry: Glad you took it this way, and I'll take your advice, too.
Ginny: I'll send owls to our brothers to tell them where we are going to live, and the news of our baby .
Harry: Your mum and dad are already okay with us moving into Grimmauld Place, so we'll just pack, and hopefully be moving tomorrow.
Ron: Alright with me, then.
Scene 17- The next day. Harry and Ginny are packed to move to Grimmauld Place. Harry's job as an Auror has given him a few days off to pack and move.
Ginny: I think that is all, right?
Harry: Yes, I packed my room yesterday.
Ginny: Good, now we'll Disapparate with our suitcases. I'll grab the two big ones and you grab the rest of the small ones.
Harry: Alright. *picks up the small suitcases.*
Ginny: *picks up the bigger suitcases.*
Harry: Okay, here we go. *grabs Ginny's hand and Disapparates with a 'pop'.*
Scene 18- Number 12, Grimmauld Place.
Harry: It's a bit dusty and all, but I'll get Kreacher in here and he can clean it up in here. Kreacher!
Kreacher: Yes, master?
Harry: Can you help with the cleanup? Ginny and I just moved in and it's very dirty here.
Kreacher: *bows* Yes, master, I'll get right to it.
Harry: Let's go upstairs and get ourselves situated.
Ginny: Alrighty.
Scene 19- 5 months after they've moved in. Life is going well, and they've discovered that the child is a boy, and they've named it James Potter, after Harry's father.
Harry: D'you wanna go to Diagon Alley? They got a new shop there.
Ginny: What's it selling?
Harry: Stuff for expecting mothers and their babies. It's called 'Bodacious Babies.'
Ginny: Alright, I can get my new maternity wardrobe there.
Scene 20- Diagon Alley, at the Bodacious Babies. Harry and Ginny walk in, only to find that Fleur Delacour and her sister Gabrielle own the shop.
Fleur: Ahh, Harry and Ginny! Eet eez seemply charmant to see you here!
Gabrielle: What would you like today? I can show you ze beautiful maternity dresses for Ginny, and Fleur can show Harry ze blankets and cribs.
Fleur: Come here, Harry, it's over here.
Harry: *follows Fleur to the aisles of cribs and blankets.*
Fleur: See, zis aisle eez for ze baby boys, and zis eez ze aisle for ze baby girls.
Harry: Thanks, Fleur.
Scene 21- Back at Grimmauld Place, after choosing a few dresses for Ginny and some nice baby blue blankets for James. They also chose a beige crib for James.
Harry: Alright, now we just have to set up the nursery.
Ginny: Where do you want it to be?
Harry: *pulls the curtains over Mrs. Black's portrait, silencing her.*
Ginny: Thank you.
Harry: We should move soon. I don't want her screaming at our kids.
Ginny: How about Godric's Hollow? We can build a replica of the damaged cottage.
Harry: Alright, I mean there's really nothing to pack, seeing we lived here for only five months.
Ginny: Alright, let's go.
Scene 22- Godric's Hollow, outside of the damaged cottage in which Harry's parents died.
Harry: Okay, let's do the spell to build the replica in a flash.
Ginny: Alright.
Harry: *waves his wand twice and a cottage appears, just like the one next to it, except it is fixed.*
Ginny: Okay, we should destroy the damaged one.
Harry: Alright. *waves his wand.* Evanesco! *the cottage disappears.*
Ginny: Now let's go put down all of our furniture, plus the nursery.
Harry: Okay, let's do it.
Scene 23- Three months later, their life at Godric's Hollow is going great. James will come any day now, and the hospital bag is already packed.
Harry: Do you want anything to eat?
Ginny: Um, a sandwich, some juice and a cookie.
Harry: You've just had lunch, but alright.
Ginny: *lays on the couch and reads the Daily Prophet.*
Harry: Here you go.
Ginny: Thanks, dear.
Harry: Sure.
Ginny: In one day, James will be here. I mean, his due date is tomorrow, right?
Harry: Yep! I'm so excited to meet this little guy!
Ginny: Yep, sooooo excited! *smiles mischievously and excited.*
Just then, water spatters all down the couch and all over Ginny's lower body.
Harry: Ginny? *puts out a hand and holds her stomach.* Are you okay?
Ginny: Merlin's beard, my water just broke! *puts her hands on her stomach.*
Harry: Okay, let's go to St. Mungos!
Scene 24- St. Mungos, Harry is carrying the hospital bag, Ginny is walking into the hospital.
Harry: I'm going to send an Patronus to your family, Ginny. Just go sign in at the front desk, and I'll get a Patronus to your family.
Ginny: Okay. *walks to the front desk, where a chubby witch sat.*
Harry: *waves his wand.* Expecto Patronum! *A stag bursts out of his wand and prances out of the window to the Weasley family.*
Scene 25- In the hospital room with Ginny lying on the bed.
Harry: Your dad, mum and brothers are coming soon. They can't Disapparate because the Muggles will see.
Ginny: *takes a deep breath.* Alright.
After a few minutes, Mr. & Mrs. Weasley   walk into the hospital room.
Mr. Weasley: Ginny! Are you alright?
Mrs. Weasley: Ginny! We came as quick as we could! Your brothers will come soon, they just have to clear it with their bosses.
Ginny: Alright.
Healer Smith: Ginny? You alright? Do you need anything? You're going to be here for at least a day, so get comfortable.
Ginny: Thank you, can I have a cup of water, please?
Healer Smith: Sure, hot or cold?
Ginny: Warm, please.
Healer Smith: Alright.
Scene 26- A day later, James still hasn't come yet.
Ginny: When is James going to come! We've been waiting forever!
Mr. Weasley: Be patient, Ginny. You took three days to come since you were so stubborn.
Ginny: Alright, I'll wait...
Healer Smith: Ginny, I'm going to check if the baby is in the right position for you to start pushing.
Ginny: Alright.
Healer Smith: *checks for the baby.* Well, good news. He's in a good position for you to start pushing.
Ginny: That's great news!
Harry: Yeah, that's so good!
Healer Smith: Unfortunately, the policy states that only one person can be in the room with the patient.
Mr. Weasley: My wife, me and her brothers can leave.
Mrs. Weasley: Yes, we will leave right now. Let's go Bill, Charlie, Percy, George, Ron.
The brothers: Alright. Tell us what happens, Harry!
Scene 27- Ginny is pushing hard with James almost here.
Ginny: *pushes hard.* Oh, it hurts!
George: *listens and puts his ear at the door.* Shhh, I think she's having the baby!
Charlie: Really? Scoot, I want to listen. *puts his ear at the door.*
Harry: Ginny, you can do it!
Healer Smith: James is almost here, Ginny! A few more hard pushes and he'll be here!
Ginny: *pushes harder.* AGGGHHHH!!!!
Ron: *listens.* Oh my god, she's screaming! I bet it's coming!
Percy: I'll bet you two Galleons that the baby will have red hair.
Bill: Ha, I'll bet you three that it'll have black hair like Harry's!
Harry: I see his head! *tears up with happiness so .*
Healer Smith: Stop pushing, he's coming!
The baby slides smoothly out between Ginny's legs.
Harry: You did it! *sniffles a little and a tear drops down with happiness.*
Ginny: *sighs in relief.* Phew, that was hard!
Healer Smith: Good job! He's breathing and crying, so he's alive.
Ron: *listens closely.* Oh my gosh, something's crying!
Ginny: Can I hold him?
Healer Smith: Yep, here he is! *hands her a bundle of blankets with a little head poking out. It has a few hairs on its head, and they look red.*
Harry: Looks like some Weasley blood in there!
Ginny: Oh, be quiet!
The rest of the Weasleys enter the room.
Mrs. Weasley: Ginny, oh goodness! You've had a beautiful baby boy!
Charlie: What's his name?
Harry: James Potter.
Percy: Named after your father, eh? And, Bill, you owe me three Galleons, James has red hair!
Harry: Yep, my father. I hope my child will be just as good a person my father was!
Ron: Congratulations, Harry and Ginny!
Mr. Weasley: Yes, good job!
Scene 28- A few days after they've had James. Life at Godric's Hollow is going well. Ron has proposed to Hermione, and they've married and moved next door to Harry and Ginny.
Ron: Hermione? Where are you?
Harry: I think she left to the Muggle store.
Ginny: Why would she go to a Muggle store?
Harry: I don't know, really. Ron, would you like a cup of tea?
Ron: Sure, let's go.
James: WAAAAAAHHH!!!!!
Ginny: You guys go downstairs, I'll be taking care of James.
Harry: Alright.
Ron and Harry go downstairs to get some tea.
Ron: Hermione's been really moody. And, she eats half of the fridge when it's dinnertime.
Harry: You're sure she's not... pregnant?
Ron: Harry? I think she went to the Muggle store to get a pregnancy test.
Harry: ... Did you have protected sex?
Ron: ... I think I forgot to buy protectors...
Harry: Ron? Have you thought about what your family is going to say?
Ron: ... Hopefully they will be happy.
Scene 29- Hermione is back at Godric's Hollow, at Ginny and Harry's house. She is with Ginny in the bathroom with the pregnancy test.
Ginny: Alright Hermione...
Hermione: ... I don't know about this, Ginny. I mean, yeah, I want to figure out if I'm pregnant, but I don't know what my family and Ron's family is going to say about this.
Ginny: Well, with any luck, they'll be happy, at least more happy than it was with me and Harry.
Hermione: Here I go, then. *takes the pregnancy test, then brings it back up to check.*
Ginny: Is it two pink lines...?
Hermione: ... Yes.
Ginny: Congratulations!
Hermione: Thanks, but I don't know what Ron's family and my family will say. Heck, what about Ron himself...? *a tear drops down her cheek.*
Ginny: Aww, Hermione, I'm sure they'll all be happy.
Hermione: Then let's go tell Ron.
Scene 30- Hermione is telling Ron she is pregnant with his baby. Ginny is inside telling Harry.
Ron: So, what d'you want to tell me?
Hermione: *takes a deep breath.* Ron, I'm pregnant with your baby.
Ron: *covers his mouth and starts to cry a little.* Merlin! I never thought this day would come! Congratulations, Hermione!
Hermione: *fake-smiles.*
Ron: Blimey!
Hermione: Ron, what are your parents going to say? What're my parents going to say?
Ron: Congrats, Hermione! I guess, since we're married, it won't be such a big deal. But I'm really excited! Yay!
Scene 31- The Burrow, telling Mr. And Mrs. Weasley that Hermione is pregnant.
Mrs. Weasley: What did you want to tell me, dear?
Ron: Hermione is expecting my child.
Mr. Weasley: Wait, you're married, right?
Mrs. Weasley: Of course, dear, you went to their wedding just a month ago.
Mr. Weasley: Then congratulations!
Mrs. Weasley: Yes, congratulations!
Scene 32- St. Mungos, Hermione is finding out how many months she is pregnant.
Healer Smith: So, good news. You're three months pregnant!
Ron: When will she be due?
Healer Smith: July 8!
Hermione: That's great news!
Ron: Blimey, only six months and then a baby will be here!
Healer Smith: You'll come back in two weeks, and in April we'll figure out if it's a boy or a girl!
Ron: Will we have to come back before that?
Healer Smith: Every two weeks!
Ron: Thanks! *puts a hand on Hermione and Disapparates with her.*
Scene 33- Back at the Burrow with Harry and Ginny. Hermione is having a girl, they've found out.
Harry: Is James asleep?
Ginny: Yes, I fed him and he fell asleep shortly after.
Harry: Our first child! He's only one week old, but I think he's going to look like a Weasley.
Ginny: Oh, be quiet, you!
Just then, an owl lands on their windowsill.
Ginny: *opens the window to let the owl in.*
Harry: Who is the letter for?
Ginny: You.
Harry: *takes it and opens it.*
Ginny: *reads it over his shoulder.*
Dear Mr. Potter,
You have been requested by the Ministry of Magic to return to your job as an Auror. We are aware of the news of your child. Feel free to take another week off for your child. Then, return to work as soon as you can. Please respond as soon as you can.
Kingsley Shacklebolt
Harry: I suppose I'll have to leave for work soon, then.
Ginny: I'll manage fine, I don't have a full-time job. It's only Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 to 3:30.
Harry: Yes, I suppose so.
Ginny: Here, write back. *hands him a quill and an ink pot.*
Harry: Thanks. *dips quill into ink and starts to write.*
Scene 34- Five months later at the Burrow.
Harry: So, how's Bill and Fleur's Victoire? And how's Teddy Lupin, speaking of which? They'd be, seven now?
Ginny: Yeah, they're fine.
Harry: Oh okay.... Well, Hermione's going to have the baby soon... Maybe in a month or two...
Ginny: Is it a boy or a girl?
Harry: I don't know, I think they want it to be a surprise.
Ginny: I wish it will be a girl.
Harry: Ha, I wish it'll be a boy.
James: WAAAAAAHH!!!!!!
Ginny: Oh, don't cry..... Shhhhhh...
Harry: Here, I'll hold him.
Ginny: Thanks, Harry.
Harry: *holds James.* Shh, it's Daddy...
James: *stops crying and falls asleep.*
Ginny: Hehe, looks like you're his favorite...
James: *snores quietly.*
Harry: Aww...
Ginny: I'm really tired, do you mind if I go take a nap?
Harry: No, of course not, go ahead. *kisses her.*
Ginny: *kisses back.* Okay, thanks.
Scene 35: At Godric's Hollow, where Ginny, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are drinking tea on the couch. A month has passed and James is growing and happy.
Harry: Wow, Hermione, you're due in a month!
Ron: I know, I'm really excited!
Ginny: Hermione?
Hermione: *clutches her stomach.* I'm fine, she's just wriggling-
Splash! Hermione screams as her water breaks.
Ron: *gasps and rises from his chair.* Are you okay?
Harry. *stands up.* Quick, her water broke!
Ginny: Calm down, Hermione. We'll get you to St. Mungos.
Hermione: Okay... Ow, contractions are already coming!
Ron: Harry, Ginny, we need our hospital bag so can you take Hermione over as I go quickly get our bag?
Harry: Sure, just go quickly!
Scene 36: Harry, Ginny and Hermione are walking into St. Mungos as Ron Disapparates in with a bag.
Healer Lyewick: Well, what a...... family we have here..... Healer Smith! I have your patients in!
Healer Smith: *walks in as she finishes sterilizing her hands.* Ron, Hermione, Room 2, please.
Ron: Thank you! * holds Hermione and walks her over to the delivery room.*
Harry: Thanks, Healer Smith. We will be back shortly with Ron and Hermione's families, okay?
Healer Smith: Okay, we will see you soon.
Scene 37- Harry and Ginny have just sent a message to the Grangers and the Weasleys.
Harry: I hope Hermione's going to be okay.
Ginny: Yeah, she looked pretty shocked and nervous when her water broke.
Harry: Wait... We left James!
Pop! Mrs. And Mr. Weasley Disapparate in with James safely wrapped in Mrs. Weasley's hands.
Ginny: Oh, Mum! Thank god you brought James or we would have left him!
Mrs. Weasley: No leaving him again, however many people are in trouble, Ginny! *smiles and hands James over.*
Harry: Thank you.
Mr. Weasley: How's Hermione?
Harry: I don't know, Ron went in with her to Room 2.
The Grangers walk in, looking confused because of all the magic.
Mr. Granger: What's going on? What's happened to our daughter?
Harry: She's having Ron's baby today.
Mrs. Granger: That's wonderful! Where is she?
Mr. Weasley: In Room 2, we were just going to check on her now.
Mr. and Mrs. Granger: No, we'll go, thank you though.
Mrs. Weasley: Okay.
Scene 38- Hermione is waiting for her child to come and she is walking around to relieve contractions.
Ron: Are you alright?
Hermione: Ugh, these contractions are killing me. *clutches her stomach.*
Ron: Here, I'll massage your stomach for you. *places a hand on her stomach and rubs it softly.*
Hermione: Oh, thanks Ron, that helps a lot!
Healer Lyewick: Well, Hermione, let's check if your ready to start pushing yet.  Come here on the bed, dear.
Hermione: Thanks Ron. *walks over and lays down on the bed.*
Ron: Sure, 'Mione.
Healer Lyewick: *checks to see if Hermione is ready yet.* Well, it looks like the baby isn't quite ready yet. Hermione, keep on going with those exercises to speed up the process.
Ron: Okay, thank you, Healer Lyewick.
Scene 39- Hermione is still doing exercises.
Hermione: 59...*flexs her leg again.* 60! Oh thank Merlin I'm done!
Ron: I'll call Healer Smith to check if you're ready to start, Hermione.
Hermione: Okay, thanks.
Ron: Healer Smith? Can you come in here and check if Hermione is ready to start pushing yet?
Healer Smith: *pokes her head out of another room that seems to hold a screaming woman.* Give me one second, Ron!
Ron: Thanks!
Hermione: What's the news?
Ron: She needs some time with another patient.
Hermione: Alright. *lays down on the bed.* Merlin's pants, am I tired from those exercises.
Ron: Remember when we were at Grimmauld Place... We were 17 at the time... You screamed 'Merlin's Pants!' and went to get Phineas Nigellus?
Hermione: *chuckles a little.* I'm surprised you can remember, Ron. I think you said 'What in the name of Merlin's most baggy Y-Fronts was that about?'
Ron: *chuckles.* Haha.
Healer Smith: *walks in.* Hello. Hermione, dear, I can check now.
Ron: Thanks!
Healer Smith: Sure... Okay, Hermione, just lay back... Good, a little more... Great! *checks to see if Hermione is ready to start pushing yet.* Hmm, I don't think you are... A few more exercises would do it.
Hermione: 60 more leg flexes? *groans.*
Ron: Come on, let's get it over with.
Hermione: *flexes her leg.* One, two...
Scene 40- Hermione finishes her exercises as Harry and Ginny walk in with the Weasleys.
Harry: How are the exercises going? *smirks playfully.*
Hermione: Oh, shut up, you.
Ginny: Lucky me, I only had to do one set of stairs.
Hermione: *smirks playfully.* Shut up.
Ron: Hey, Hermione... How are you feeling? *kisses her.*
Hermione: *kisses back.* Great... It kinda feels like the baby moved a little.
Mrs. Weasley: Shall I call Healer Smith in? We can leave. *rushes Harry, Ginny and the other Weasleys out, leaving Ron and Hermione.* Come on, give them privacy.
Harry: *looks over his shoulder.* Ron, mate, tell us what happens!
Ron: Alright.
Healer Smith: *walks in as the others leave.* Hermione, I heard the commotion. Are you alright?
Hermione: I think the baby moved a little, but I don't know.
Healer Smith: Let's check then.
Ron: Okay.
Healer Smith: *checks the baby's position.* Yep, Hermione, you're ready!
Hermione: Oh terrific! Thanks Healer Smith!
Scene 41: Hermione has started to push.
Hermione: Auggggghhh, this hurts.
Ron: *strokes her hair.* Hey, you'll be okay.
Hermione: *pushes harder and screams.*
Harry: *listens at the door.* Ginny! Do you hear that? Hermione's gonna have the baby soon!
Ginny: Really! Listen!
Harry: *pushes ear against the door harder.*
Hermione: *screams loudly as she pushes harder and harder.*
Healer Smith: Just a few more pushes!
Ron: Come on, Hermione!
Hermione: *pushes a few more time and screams as a little girl is born.*
Ron: Blimey! *wipes a tear.* It's a girl!
Healer Smith: Come on Ron, cut the cord!
Ron: *cuts the cord cleanly off.* Hermione! What's her name?
Hermione: *smiles and is relieved.* I want to name her Rose.
Ron: That's a pretty name. I wonder if she'll be as smart as you?
Hermione: Oh, shut it.
Healer Smith: *hands Hermione the blanket- wrapped Rose.* Congratulations! Here, you can hold her.
Hermione: *cradles Rose close.* Aww.
Ron: *touches Rose's hand gently.* She's adorable... And she has your hair!
Hermione: *chuckles a little.*
Harry and Ginny walk in.
Ginny: Aww, she's beautiful! What's her name?
Hermione: Rose.
Harry: Nice name.
Ron: Yeah.
Scene 42: Back at Harry and Ginny's home, Harry has started work two weeks ago.
Ginny: *feeds James.*
Harry: *opens door.* I'm home, honey! *comes in and kisses her on the cheek.*
The door opens as a cloaked figure walks in and points a wand at Harry.
Ginny: *holds James closer to protect him.*
Cloaked Figure: Harry? Come with me. NOW!!
Harry: *raises his wand.*
Ginny: Harry!
Harry: Take James. Save him.
Ginny: *starts to cry.* I can't leave you Harry-
Cloaked figure: CRUCIO!!!
Harry: FINITE INCANTATEM!!! *blocks spell.*
James: Waaaaahhh!
Cloaked figure: *points wand at Ginny and starts to cast a spell.*
Harry: Ginny! No! *runs in front of her, shielding her from harm.*
Cloaked figure: Crucio!
Harry: *is being tortured.*
Ginny: *screams.*
Cloaked figure: *intensifies the spell as Harry becomes closer to dying. Harry's eyes open and rolls back, he foams from the mouth and twitches violently as he is tortured.*
Ginny: *raises her wand at the cloaked figure.* Stupefy! Confringo! *waves wand with a final motion and obliterates his body into ashes.*
Harry: *is unconscious.*
Ginny: *scoops James up and grabs Harry as she Disapparates to St. Mungos.*
Scene 43: St. Mungo' Crucial Care Unit.
Ginny: *cries with James as she sits by Harry's bed, holding his hand. A monitor is keeping track of Harry's slow heartbeat.*
Healer Tokiel: Ms. Weasley?
Ginny: *hastily dries her tears and looks up.* Y-yes?
Healer Tokiel: Mr. Potter is still in a crucial stage, but we can revive him.
Ginny: Thank you so much!
Healer Tokiel: He was severely tortured, so we wiped his memory of the torture as he won't suffer from trauma.
Ginny: Thank you, thank you! *smiles.*
James: *smiles.* Guu.
Ginny: *holds James.* When will he wake up? When can he go home?
Healer Tokiel: Definitely by tomorrow.
Ginny: Thank you so much!
Scene 44: A month later. Harry is better and life is going normally. James is now a healthy, four month old baby. Hermione, Ron, Harry and Ginny usually get together and have their babies play with each other.
Harry: Ginny, let's go to the beach.
Ron: We can watch James then.
Harry: Thanks, mate.
Ron: Sure.
Hermione: Bye guys!
Harry and Ginny Disapparate to the beach.
Harry: I brought you here because it thought you would like it.
Ginny: Oh Harry, of course I like it.
Harry: Ginny...
Ginny: Yes Harry?
Harry: *gets down on one knee and holds out a ring.* Will you marry me?
Ginny: *covers her mouth and smiles.* Yes I will Harry!
Harry: *kisses her.* Thanks, Ginny.
Ginny: Anything and always.
Harry: You too.
Ginny: Look over there...
Harry: *turns around.*
A small kitten that is looking quite lost is sitting and staring at the couple mournfully.
Ginny: Aww!
Harry: Careful, it might be sick-
Ginny: *already has the kitten in her arms.* Oh Harry, can we keep it?
Harry: I suppose so, seeing as you're ever so attached to it.
Ginny: But I don't know where its mom or dad are!
Harry: *points to an unmoving body of a cat that looks remotely like Crookshanks.* I think that's best left unanswered.
Ginny: Oh! *looks sadly at the dead cat.*
Harry: Let's take the kitten to the Muggle vet, then. We need to make sure it's not sick.
Ginny: Okay, but let's go home first. I want to tell the others. *grins excitedly.*
Harry: Aw, we could just send them an owl. The vet is gonna close soon...
Ginny: How do you know that?
Harry: Remember I used to be a Muggle?
Ginny: Oh, yeah, haha. Where is it, though?
Harry: Let's Disapparate there. *grabs Ginny's hand and turns on the spot.*
Scene 45: The Muggle Veterinarian.
They stop at a small, cozy-looking building.
Ginny: Here...?
Harry: It's where they took Dudley's turtle when he threw it through the greenhouse roof.
Ginny: *chuckles* What?
Harry: Never mind... *smiles*
They start walking into the clinic, but are stopped by Hermione Apparating in front of them, crying.
Harry: Hermione! Are you alright?
Ginny: What happened? Did you and Ron fight?
Still sobbing, Hermione nods.
Hermione: He... Said he didn't want to be with me... Said he'd always loved Lavender Brown... Asked if Draco was single and recommended him... *cries more*
Harry and Ginny hug her, holding the cat.
Ginny: There there, he'll come around.
Hermione: But- I knew Draco liked me...
Harry: WHAT?!?!
Ginny gives him an 'Oh please' look.
Ginny: But what are your feelings for him? Come on, let's go home. Harry, you're in charge of the cat.
Harry: *stunned* Er- Okay then.
Scene 46: Back at Godric's Hollow.
Harry: I'm back with the cat-
Harry: Er- Where's Hermione?
Draco: She's in the other room. *nods politely.*
Harry: Thanks... *leaves to the other room.*
Harry knocks twice.
Ginny: Come in!
Harry comes in.
Ginny: Hey.
Harry: Wow Hermione! What's with the dress?
Ginny: *drops her voice* Don't let Draco hear. I want them on a blind date.  I know you hate him, but you need to go help him now. I left a suit in your room. James is with Mum. Now go.
Harry: Geez, I was just trying to bring the cat back and now this? *chuckles and kisses Ginny* Alright, I'll go.
Harry leaves to the sitting room, where Draco is still sitting patiently.
Harry: Er- Hi.
Draco: I have a question.
Harry: Go ahead.
Draco: Why did Ginny drag me here?
Harry: Erm- promise you won't tell Ginny I told you?
Draco: Forget our schoolboy grudge- I won't.
Harry: Okay... So Hermione just broke up with Ron, and she actually secretly liked you, so Ginny went to get her a dress and they're changing right now, and then Ginny wanted me to get you a suit so that you could go have a date with Hermione.
Draco: So where's the suit...?
Harry: Next to the room Hermione's in.
Draco: Also, what about Rose? Doesn't Hermione have a kid?
Harry: Congrats, you're a father.
Draco: Wait, what?
Harry: She's sleeping in James's room. Now quick, change in the bathroom or Ginny'll behead me.
Draco: Er, okay then.
Scene 47: The Three Broomsticks.
Hermione is with Ginny and Draco with Harry.
Hermione: *looks at Draco* Er, Hi.
Draco: Hey. Shall we? *nods to the doors*
Hermione: Sure.
They hold hands and walk into The Three Broomsticks. Harry and Ginny leave back to their house after telling them to meet after their date.
Scene 48: Back at Godric's Hollow.
Ginny: That went well!
Harry: I have something to admit to you.
Ginny: Did you tell Draco?
Harry: Yes...
Ginny: I knew you would, but that's fine. Did you get a name for the cat yet?
Taken aback, Harry shakes his head.
Harry: All I know is that its a boy.
Ginny: I like the name Spirit.
Harry: I like it too.
Ginny: Then Spirit's its name.
Harry: Okay.
Hermione and Draco Apparate in.
Draco: We're back!
Hermione: It was fun!
Harry: Great!
Ginny: Good!
Scene 49: Hermione and Draco's house, Ottery St. Catchpole. A few months have passed and Draco and Hermione have started dating and hence, moved in together.
Hermione: Do you think Ron still loves me?
Draco: Even if he does, I won't let him hurt you again.
Hermione: I don't like him anymore, I thought I knew him but... I just don't know anymore.
Draco: *kisses her* You're fine. He's somewhere in Ireland with Lavender.
Hermione: Yes, he sent me an owl asking if we could still be friends.
Draco: I don't mind, just make sure he doesn't hurt you.
Hermione: I know.
Draco: I have to go shopping, the refrigerator is empty AGAIN... Anyways, do you need anything?
Hermione: A pregnancy test.
Draco: Er- you're pregnant...?!
Hermione: I think I might be...
Draco: But... With who's baby? Ron's or mine?
Hermione: The thing is, I don't know. I had it with him before we broke up... But at the same time, we did too.
Draco: I know. Alright, I'll get you a pregnancy test.
Hermione: Shoot, I forgot. Ron and I have to file for divorce.
Draco: We can do that later. We just need to focus on seeing if you're pregnant or not.
Scene 50: Back at Hermione and Draco's house.
Hermione: One line... Its a yes, two, it's a no.
Draco: Isn't it the other way around?
Hermione: I don't know, this one's weird.
Draco: Well, then. Into the bathroom you go!
Hermione: *looks nervous and hugs Draco* Are you ready..?
Draco: I am.
Hermione leaves to the bathroom. A few minutes later, she comes out.
Hermione: It's supposed to take two minutes, I suppose we'll have to wait.
Draco: Heh, the suspense is killing me.
Hermione: Me too, me too.
They kiss. After two minutes, Hermione takes the test and reads it with Draco.
Draco: Oh Merlin...
Hermione: Oh my god. I'm pregnant!
Draco: Oh my god! *cries a little.*
Hermione: I know!
Draco: We have to tell the others!!!
Hermione and Draco Disapparate to Godric's Hollow.
Scene 51: Godric's Hollow with Harry and Ginny.
Hermione knocks on the door.
Harry: *opens the door.* Hey, lovebirds.
Hermione: Really, Harry?
Ginny arrives.
Ginny: No doubt, you are lovebirds.
Draco: Okay then, all we wanted to tell you was some insignificant news.
Hermione exchanges a glance with Draco.
Harry: Well get in here and tell us! *chuckles.*
Ginny: Yes please!
They all walk into the living room.
Hermione: *takes out a wrapped package containing the pregnancy test.* Here, open this.
Draco: It's a surprise.
Harry: Fair enough.
Ginny: *snatches the package from him and rips it open.*
Harry: Hey! What was that for?!
Ginny: Ladies first! *sticks her tongue out playfully at Harry.*
Harry: *peers over her shoulder and sees the positive pregnancy test.*
Ginny: OH MY GOD!
Harry: OH MY GOD!
Hermione and Draco laugh.
Draco: Our little surprise, Harry.
Ginny: So... If you don't mind me asking, who's baby is it?
Harry: Mine!
Ginny: WHAT?!?
Harry: Just kidding!
They all laugh.
Hermione: Anyways, we don't know. I'm hoping it's Draco's, I don't ever want to ever bear another one of Ron's children.
Ginny: Do you still love Rose?
Hermione: Of course, but now breaking up with Ron has made a difference. I still love Rose. She doesn't have to remember this. I'll tell her that Draco was her father all along.
Draco: I think it's a good idea.
Harry: Me too.
Ginny: Yeah...
The babies start to wail.
Harry: Come on, let's take care of them. Then we can talk more.
Scene 52: A few months later. Hermione has become more swollen and James is now a year old. Rose and Scorpius are also a year old.
Harry: Wanna go swimming in the lake?
Ginny: I'll invite the others.
Harry: How about... Just you and me, if you get my jist...
Ginny: * smirks back at him.* Bring it on.
They start kissing fiercely and fall onto the sofa.
Ginny: *kisses and kisses.*
Harry: *kisses back.*
They start making out.
Harry: Are you ready?
Ginny: Always and forever will be, Harry.
Harry: *takes off her shirt.*
More clothes come off.
Then, you can infer.
Scene 53: With Hermione and Draco.
Hermione: I'm SO hungry, its unbelievable. Wait, crap, I have to pee. Should I eat first though?
Draco: I've forgotten how much you talk. *ruffles her hair playfully.*
Hermione: So what should I do first?
Draco: Probably pee.
Hermione: You're right. *leaves to the bathroom.*
Draco: Hey, Hermione!
Hermione: *from the bathroom* Yes?
Draco: Should I send the others an owl? I'm bored.
Hermione: Ask them for food!
Draco: How about I write this: I'm trying to survive the apocalypse and I need food for my girlfriend; she's pregnant and starving.
Hermione: Very funny, Draco. But if they give us food then I'm all for it.
Draco: Never mind, I'll go shopping.
Hermione: WAIT! I want to get the new biscuits they have.
Draco: Okay...
Hermione: I'm done. *finishes using bathroom.*
Draco: Do you want chips too?
Draco: I'm sorry! I just- never mind. *hugs Hermione.*
Hermione: *stops crying.* I'm ready to go to the grocery store now.
Draco: Er-
Hermione: *gets mad* I'M HUNGRY DRACO!
Draco: Okay, okay! Let's go! *harassed.*
Scene 53: At the Burrow.
Mrs. Weasley: I wonder how Ron and Hermione are doing?
Mr. Weasley: Let's send them an owl.
Mrs. Weasley: I'll send it to Hermione, shall I?
Mr. Weasley: Right.
Mrs. Weasley's letter:
Dear Hermione,
How are you and Ron doing? I expect Ron'll send a letter back saying you're pregnant again or whatever. If so, congratulations! Check in on Harry and Ginny too, will you?
Love from,
Mrs. and Mr. Weasley.
Mrs. Weasley: How's this?
Mr. Weasley: Perfect. *takes the letter, seals it and sends it with an owl.*
Scene 54- With Draco and Hermione after they've finished shopping.
Owl: Hoot.
Draco: An owl?
Hermione: For who?
Draco: *takes the letter and reads the name on it.* From Mrs. Weasley, to Ron and you.
Hermione: Oh god, I just realized we never told the Weasleys about our breakup. Mrs. Weasley is going to-
Draco: ... Hermione?
Hermione: I might need to throw up.
Draco: Quickly!
Hermione: *rushes off.*
After Hermione comes back, she completes her sentence.
Hermione: Like I was saying, Mrs. Weasley is going to kill Ron once she finds out.
Draco: Er- Do you care?
Hermione: Not in the slightest. He deserves it, saying all those horrible things about me. You're the man of my dreams.
Draco: I'm flattered. *chuckles* So what does the letter say?
Hermione: *reads it*
Dear Hermione,
How are you and Ron doing? I expect Ron'll send a letter back saying you're pregnant again or whatever. If so, congratulations! Check in on Harry and Ginny too, will you?
Love from,
Mrs. and Mr. Weasley.
Hermione: What do I write back?!
Draco: Just about your breakup and stuff, I guess.
Hermione: Good idea.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Weasley,
I have to break some news to you. Ronald and I have suffered a breakup.
He is now living with a young woman named Lavender Brown in Ireland. I, on the other hand, am living with a now wonderful young man with the name of Draco Malfoy. We are expecting our first born in six months. As for Ron, if you would like to find out more I suggest you send him an owl. I expect we'll see each other soon. Stay in touch!
Love from,
Hermione G. and Draco M.
Hermione: Perfect.
Draco: I love it!
Hermione: Yay! Let's send it then. Oak? *calls a handsome brown barn owl over.*
Draco: Here, I'll do it. *starts tying the letter on.*
Hermione: I'm going to go sit down for a minute, alright?
Draco: Sure.
An owl flies to the window.
Owl: Hoo.
Hermione: An owl!
Draco: What?
Hermione: *points to the window.* Look!
Draco: Oh! *finishes tying the letter and  runs over to get the owl.*
Hermione: Who's owl, dear?
Draco: Ours. Hold on... *throws Oak the owl out the window carefully.*
Hermione: From who is the owl?
Draco: My dad.
Hermione: What?
Draco: I don't know either.
Hermione: Well, open the letter then.
Draco: *takes the letter and slits it open.*
Dear Draco,
Are you dating that Mudblood? If you are, count yourself DISOWNED.
Lots of love,
Lucius Malfoy.
Draco: Well, let me just... *takes letter and starts ripping it until it looks like confetti and throws it into the fire after first throwing the pieces that said Mudblood into the fire.*
Hermione: Draco...
Draco: I'm so sorry.
Hermione: No really, I don't mind.
Draco: I'll try and fill the page with YES AND PROUD.
Hermione: Er- that's fine. *kisses him lightly on his cheek.*
Lucius Malfoy Apparates in and catches Hermione mid-kiss.
Lucius: AHA!
Draco: What are you doing here?! Get out of our house!
Lucius: I sent a fast owl for your answer, but I decided to see for myself.
Lucius: Our house? OUR HOUSE?!
Hermione: Draco... *puts an arm on his shoulder.*
Lucius sees.
Draco: PROTEGO! *saves Hermione.*
Hermione: DRACO!!!
Lucius: *raises his wand.*
Hermione: NO!
Draco: *stands in front of Hermione as a purple streak of light flies in the air and cuts through his face.*
Hermione: DRACO! *sobs*
Lucius: My revenge, your loss. *smirks satisfyingly.*
Lucius: Oh, but how? From what I see, a Mudblood can't do magic-
Hermione: Sectumsempra! *slashes Lucius through the chest.*
Lucius: *gasps for air.* How could you? My son will never forgive you!
Hermione: *waves her wand and heals him in an instant.* That was just a taster! NOW LEAVE BEFORE I ACTUALLY KILL YOU!!! *raises wand threateningly.*
Lucius: *Disapparates quickly.*
Hermione: Draco?! Draco!
Draco: *is silent and unmoving.*
Hermione: You're not dead! You're not! *cries* *uncorks a small bottle of Dittany and pours it over his face.*
Draco: *chest heaves with the smallest breath.*
Hermione: *wipes a tear off her face.* Oh thank Merlin!
Draco: ... Hermione...?
Hermione: Draco?
Draco: Where am I? *gazes around hazily*
Hermione: You're in our house...
Draco: Oh yeah...
Hermione: How do you feel?
Draco: Horrible...
Hermione: That's explainable... You've lost a lot of blood.
Draco: What? Why? All I remember is a purple light and then I'm sitting here...
Hermione: Well... Your father thought I wasn't worth your love, and so he tried to curse me. But you stood in front of me and- *starts to cry.* Draco... Don't do this again... You scared me... *can't talk anymore because she is crying so hard.*
Draco: Hermione... I would never let anyone or anything hurt you. *hugs her*
Hermione: But you came so close to dying... I was scared, Draco. I managed to curse your father and then he left, but... *cries until she can't breath anymore.*
Draco: It's okay, Hermione. I'm not dead. Just stop crying okay? I'm not dead. My father's gone. Come on, look up. Our baby's coming soon!
Hermione: *in a shaky voice* You're right. *kisses Draco.*
Draco: *kisses back.*
Owl: Hoo. Hoo.
Hermione: Oak's back with the Weasleys' answer!
Draco: *opens the window.*
Hermione: *unties the letter and slits it open.*
Dear Hermione and Draco,
I've just sent a Howler to Ron and Lavender. If it's loud enough, I'm sure you'll hear 'RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY! YOU APOLOGIZE TO HERMIONE RIGHT NOW FOR ALL THE HORRIBLE THINGS YOU SAID TO HER! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!?!?!?!?!'
Anyways, we hope that the sound will knock him out long enough for Arthur's bomb to go off.
Lots of Love,
Mr. And Mrs. Weasley.
Draco: Wow, um, that's brutal.
Hermione: Er- I should write back and make sure they go a little easy on this. I mean, Lavender's probably going to come and try to kill us if Ron dies.
Draco: You're right.
Dear Mr. And Mrs. Weasley,
Er- please go easy on the punishing. I mean you can disown and send him Howlers, but we have a funny feeling that Ron's girlfriend, Lavender Brown, would come to try and kill us. Please don't kill him however much you hate him. Because we don't want to die! :)
Love from,
Draco and Hermione
Hermione: I like the smiley face!
Draco: Me too!
Oak: Hoo.
Draco: *ties the letter onto Oak's leg.*
Oak: *takes a sip of water out of Draco's goblet and takes off.*
Hermione: I love Oak. Remember when we found him, right after the Battle of Hogwarts? He was just a cracked egg then...
Draco: And then the vet raised him and gave him to us.
Hermione: Yup.
Draco: *feels his recently healed face.* Wow, not even a scar...
Hermione: You know, the Essence of Dittany...
Draco: Yes... Anyways, we should prepare the nursery.
Hermione: When I was still with Ron, we went to a place in Diagon Alley called Bodacious Babies. It's owned by Fleur Delacour and her sister, Gabrielle.
Draco: Come on, then.
Scene 55- Back with Harry and Ginny.
Harry: Wow, that was- *pulls on his shirt.* Pretty wild!
James: WAAAAAH!!!!
Ginny: *hastily gets dressed.* I'll go check on him... You had better protected yourself, Harry!
Harry: ...
Ginny: Oh no.
Harry: ...
Ginny: I won't be mad... It was worth it! And anyways, I want another kid!
Harry: *chuckles.*
Ginny leaves and brings back James.
James: Guu. Guu.
Harry: Say your first words now!
Ginny: Don't push him, he'll do it soon I assume.
James: Da...Dada!
Harry: You did it!
Ginny: Oh my goodness he did!
James: Dadadadadadadada!!
Ginny: Hehe, little stinker. *pinches his cheek gently.*
Harry: *looks out the window and sees an owl.*
Owl: Hoo hoo.
Harry: *opens the window and the owl flies in.*
Ginny: Who's owl?
Harry: Yours.
Dear Ginny,
Hi! It's that nasty cheater Ron. How's Hermione? I've heard she's pregnant with Draco's kid. Anyways, tell her to take care because I'm not coming back for a while. Lavender and I are going to travel the world soon.
Ginny: Wow, he thinks I'm going to do this for him? *prepares a Howler with the message: I'M NOT AN OWL!! TELL HER YOURSELF, YOU COWARD!*
Harry: Hahaha!
Ginny: Hopefully he'll shut up now.
Spirit the cat: Mew~.
Harry: Hi. *reaches down and picks up the kitten.*
Ginny: He's SO cute!!!! *tickles Spirit's paws.*
Harry: Looks a bit like Crookshanks, if you ask me.
Ginny: Speaking of which, where did Crookshanks go after the Battle?
Harry: Wait a minute...
Ginny: Yes?
Harry: Remember the dead cat we saw?
Ginny: *gasps.* But- but Crookshanks isn't the father of Spirit, is he?!
Harry: I don't know... But it could be...
Ginny: Isn't it usually the mother with the kitten though?
Harry: Well nobody knows, I mean the mother could've died.
Somebody knocks on the door.
Harry: I'll get it...
Harry opens the door and Hermione and Draco walk in.
Ginny: Hermione! We have a question we need to ask-
Draco: Whoa hold on, we haven't even walked through the door yet!
Harry: *chuckles.* Tea and biscuits, anyone?
Hermione: Yes please.
Draco: You've just had lunch!
Hermione: So?
Draco: Oh, never mind...
Hermione: Sure.
Ginny: Where did Crookshanks go after the Battle of Hogwarts?!
Hermione: Ran off somewhere with a pregnant cat. I don't know where, but I found her body a month ago.
Harry: Oh, well... *picks up Spirit.*
Hermione: Is that... Mini Crookshanks?
Draco: They look exactly the same!
Ginny: *picks up James from the couch.* That's what we thought.
Harry: Anyways, *brings back a tray of teacups, a teapot and some biscuits.* I've made Ginny pregnant again...
Ginny: Of course you did. *rolls eyes.*
Draco: Nice job, Harry!
Hermione: *laughs.*
Ginny: I'll test later, it only just happened.
Hermione: Yes okay, we don't need to know any more details.
Draco: Heh.
Harry: Oh yeah, James said his first word!
Ginny: It was 'Dada.'
Draco: Nice! Speaking of which, Rose did too! She said 'No.'
Harry: Strange first word...
Hermione: Yes, we agree. Maybe she'll just be stubborn? I don't know.
Draco: Anyways, *drinks his tea.* Let's have a party.
Harry: Yeah!
Ginny: I'm all for it.
Hermione: But this is way too small! We could have it at the lake...
Harry: Grimmauld Place?
Ginny: Hey, that's a good idea!
Hermione: I mean, it's all cleaned up and everything.
Draco: I'm not part of the Order... Where is Grimmauld Place?
Hermione: Oh, I forgot. Well, when we Disapparate there, you'll know where it is.
Draco: Who would I tell? Every Voldemort supporter probably hates me now because they're all prejudiced against Hermione. But she's still my shining star. *kisses her.*
Hermione: You are too, Draco. *kisses back.*
Harry: That's true...
Ginny: I guess. Well then, who to invite?
Draco: Neville and Luna, definitely. I've heard they've had a girl.
Hermione: Really?! Aww, it's probably SO CUTE!!!!!
Harry: Yeah.
Ginny: What's its name?
Draco: Something like Sarah? No, Samantha? Something like that...
Hermione: I thought it was Sarah.
Draco: Well, whatever it was.
Harry: I'll invite them. Who else?
Ginny: Teddy Lupin, for sure. Oh yeah, and maybe Bill, Fleur and Victoire.
Harry: What about George?
Draco: Definitely. And how about Kreacher?
Hermione: Hmm...
Harry: You. Haven't. Given. SPEW. up. Yet?!?!? *groans.*
Everybody laughs.
Hermione: Anyways, I guess we could invite him. BUT NO FORCING HIM TO MAKE TOO MUCH FOOD!
Ginny: *waves her wand.* Accio! *SPEW badge zooms into her hand.* Lucky I still have this.
Harry: You kept that? I burned mine... Um, ten years ago...
Hermione: How dare you?!

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