message from the author

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since this book is picking up i just wanted to say:
- the LGBTQ+ community is valid and does exist.
- at the date i'm publishing this part (12/29/19), china is putting millions of uyghur muslims into internment camps in an attempt to ethnically cleanse them. please google petitions for your government to act upon this and sign as many as you can!!
- other races and religions exist along yours and the most important thing we can do in the face of adversity is to join together and love our fellow humans on the earth.
- just because someone does not have as much as you/is different to you do does not give you a reason to treat them any differently to you.
- australia is suffering from bush fires all over the country. donate to charities that fund wildlife welfare, or those that fund firefighters. 
- global warming is real. do what you can to slow it.
- respect others. seriously. don't be an asshole.
- women/feminine-identifying are people too, with their own ability to choose and be autonomous. treat them as this and nothing less.
-trans people exist like i've already said. whatever pronouns or gender that they identify with is not your business, even if in your opinion they don't "look like it" or "have the right parts". what goes on in their pants is NOT your business. they are beautiful and it is BASIC HUMAN RESPECT to call them the pronouns and name they wish to identify with.
- mental health is important. take time to care about yourself. it is good for you.
- you are beautiful no matter what. your weight does not define you. nothing materialistic defines you.
- your mental illness does not define you. show it who's boss by overcoming and healthy-habit-ing it!

all that being said thank you all so much for 100K reads (or just about!!). when i published this two years ago as a stick-ass seventh grader i definitely did not expect the amount of support i've gotten for this book so far. it means the world to me that i've been able to achieve this with your guys' help and i would not have ever been able to do this without each and every single one of you. have a great new year's and i hope y'all had an awesome year. my DM's are always open and they are a safe space if you ever need anything. 

check out my other books:
- coffee (dh+pl)
- you, me and the moon (with all the stars in your eyes) [oneshot]
~ jess

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