Chapter 4

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(A/N:Okie guys, I think I'll start with using the comic parts in the latest chapters for this book.  So I won't be using the novel parts unless necessary.)

//The next morning//

Jun: *still in her pajamas* Morning, Kai.. What's cookin'?

Kairul: The usual. Is Galaxy awake yet?

Jun: Nope... Where's Keithan?

Kairul: He's taking a shower. Might be done just right- *clock strikes 7:30am* and he's out

//Both of them sees Keithan walking down stairs//

Keithan: *perplexed face* What?

Kairul: Nothin'.... *continue cooking*

Jun: since it's a Saturday, should we go out? Have some fun or take a walk at the Waterfront?

Kairul: The Waterfront?

Keithan: I heard the park there is really beautiful

Kairul: hmm.. Let's ask the other two if they'll tag along. Besides, it's not good leaving them.

K, J: Ok..

Jun: I'll take a shower first. See ya..

Kairul: ok..


Jun: I think I should wake them up... *peeks through the unlocked door* hmm... Maybe later.

//In the room, Hali was asleep while hugging Galaxy who got cold that night. As a result, she slept while in Hali's arms//

Jun: *ran downstairs, sat at the table* Refreshed and ready!

Keithan: You should go and wake them up first. They should be awake by now.

Jun: Before I entered the shower, I did see Galaxia asleep with Hali hugging her. Guess she was really cold that night.

Kairul: Guess so too.

Keithan: Well, if she's cold means she's still sick or it's just the weather. Besides she is sick, remember?

K, J: Hmm...

//While they were about to sit and eat, Kairul went upstairs to go see if the two are up yet//

Kairul: Hali?

Hali: She's taking a shower... *puts on his cap* Are the others awake yet?

Kairul: Yeah, they are. U should hurry, breakfast's ready.

Hali: Got it..

Kairul: //went downstairs//

(After breakfast)

Jun: Keithan, what homework do we have to submit next week?

Keithan: We only had revision the whole week. Exam starts this Monday. //continues reading// And you might need to study this part for the exam.

Jun: Man.. Not Maths again... T^T

Keithan: Haha..

Galaxia: hmm... //plays around with her hair//

Keithan: Are you okay, sis?

Galaxia: I'm just bored that's all. And my head's still dizzy too...

Jun: Wanna go to the Waterfront anybody?

Keithan: Yeah!

Kairul: We should enjoy ourselves while we can though. Before school reopens this Monday, let's enjoy for the weekend, and then back to studying for the both of u. Top students like you two shouldn't fail this test

Hands Off My Girl (HaliXOC) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now