sweet like chocolate (willy wonka x reader)

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a/n: my friend gave me this horrible yet interesting idea to work on so here we are
wasn't sure exactly where the factory was supposed to be located but i decided to make it in the US because writing about that is much more easier for me
i did as much research as i could on this subject so if their relationship and all that seem unrealistic then im sorry!
aaaanyway enjoy

warning: smut

As most young Americans know, college isn't exactly all that easy. While trying to keep your grade up in classes, you also had to figure out how to save up money and not spend as much as you normally would. With tuition eating at you, even with a decent job you barely had money to spend on yourself, so you spent most nights eating flavored noodles and microwaveable hot dogs while studying or working your ass off. With that being said, you didn't have any free time to go out with friends, and you always felt bad when you turned down your friends offer to go and hang out.

"You can't just take a break one night and go out with us?" One of your friends whined, and you frown, avoiding their eyes as you look down.

"You know I can't. I have so much to do tonight." You couldn't even remember the last time you had a full eight hours of sleep, let alone go out partying with your friends.

Your friend scoffed. "You know, if money's the problem, I know a way to help you out."

"Please be serious and don't say it's prostitution."

"Well.." They shrug. "Kinda?"

You scowl and turn away from your friend, clearly annoyed. "Then forget it."

"Listen! Veronica was telling me about this app she found. You do know what a sugar daddy is, right?"

You turn your head towards them so fast you might've gotten whiplash. "You really think I'm that desperate enough to put myself on some stupid app like that? You're insane."

If they were crazy enough to think that you'll be desperate enough to join some sugar daddy dating site for some extra cash, then why you were there putting your information into the app at 1:00 AM?

"Why am I doing this?" you ask yourself as you type in all the necessary information. Okay, doing this really wasn't that bad, at least according to Google and a few other websites you visited. It wasn't like you were becoming a prostitute. You were just entering a relationship that mainly involved around sex. And money. All the good things.

After you press the ominous green OK button, confirming that you really want this to happen, you turn off your phone and put it on your nightstand with a sigh, getting yourself comfortable before falling into a well-deserved slumber.



That was the first thing you saw on your notifications when you turned on your phone the next morning. You blinked; whoa, that was pretty fast. You unlock your phone and head onto the app, checking to see who in the world this guy was. CandyMan was what he called himself as you looked into his profile. Either this guy was a child molester or some overweight guy obsessed with junk food. You decided to humor him, still having a few minutes left before you went to class.

You: "Hello, CandyMan."

You set your phone back down and went to go get yourself ready. By the time you came back, he had already responded to your message.

CandyMan: "So what's someone like you doing on this app?"

You: "I asked myself that whenever I was signing up for this."
You: "I don't know. A friend suggested it. Decided to try it out last night."

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