Chapter 18 - Ferdinand

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The wind howled outside, but it was a gentle as a lamb compared to the storm brewing within me. Under the dim light of a lantern, I stared at the small medal of an ancient saint in my hand, a symbol of a religion that had almost been forgotten as mankind pushed past the boundaries of the planet they had once called home. Science had replaced faith, and yet, little trinkets like this still held significance. Maybe it was nothing more than a silly superstition, but I couldn't help but wonder if this charm had protected me when I'd crashed on this planet. How else could I explain my lack of injuries or the fact my cruiser didn't explode into a ball of flames upon impact?

How else could I explain finding the most perfect angel of a woman when I opened my eyes?

I tucked the medal back inside my flight suit and redirected my thoughts to Miranda. I'd already caused her much suffering, and yet, she continued to aide me, to keep my hopes alive that one day I'd return to NAPLES, perhaps even with my father at my side.

Perhaps even with her at my side.

And for a moment, I knew peace. I'd like to have her at my side. She was brave, caring, resourceful. Everything I could hope for in a companion when it came my time to rule NAPLES

But it wasn't my time yet. My father was still alive. Or at least, he was a few days ago. What if he was somewhere out there in that storm? Did he have shelter? Was he safe? Had one of those snake creatures Miranda told me about eaten him?

I needed to find him, yet I wanted nothing more than to kiss Miranda's sweet lips and hold her in my arms and talk about our future together.

Damn! I was really in over my head if I was thinking about my future with a girl I'd only known for a few days, but from the moment I saw her, I knew, deep in my gut, that she was the one for me. Her actions over the last few days had only confirmed it.

But until we were free from her mother, neither of us was safe. I needed to watch my every action, every word around her.

Play by the rules, and no one would get hurt.

I could almost hear my father laughing at me. He'd always been a stickler for the rules, and I'd always been the first to try and break them. Now I was as nervous as a new recruit who feared stepping the slightest bit out of line.

A loud bang snatched me from my thoughts. I thought something had collided with the metal walls of my "home", blown in from the storm. But when the bang came again, I realized the sound originated from the door. The pounding became more persistent, more urgent, and I rushed to unfasten the latch.

The door flew open from the wind to reveal a very soaked and windblown Miranda outside. She wasted no time helping me secure the door, a two-person job due to the ferocity of the storm. As we struggled to close it, I wondered why she'd come out in such weather.

I dug in my heels and gave the door one final tug. Without me giving the order, Miranda whirled around me to engage the latch.

One more instance of how we made a great team.

We were both breathing hard by the time we finished, but at least I wasn't soaked to the skin like Miranda. She pulled the wet curls back off her face and wrung them out. "Whew!" she said with a slight shiver.

I grabbed one of the blankets she'd brought me the day before and threw it over her shoulders. "What were you thinking, going out in that storm?"

"I had to talk to you before my mother woke up. I have news about your cruiser."

I lifted my head to the ceiling and drew in a slow breath. Once again, she'd risked her life for my sake. I just hoped it wasn't for something completely trivial. "What happened?"

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