Lee Chan/Dino Imagine

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"Get back here!!!" You screamed as Dino took your bag and ran off

"Try to catch me" He turned around sticking his tounge out

When you reached him he ran again

"Aish, I'm not fit for this" You mumbled

He came back and handed your bag to you

"Meanie" You pouted, but all he did was smile

"C'mon, I have to annoy my Jagiya!" he cupped your face

"For this you don't get dinner tonight" You said jokingly

"YA! Like my hyungs would feed me!" he shouted while you laughed

"I'm joking" he rolled his eyes and kissed your cheek

You guys went to the dorms, you haven't seen the members in the while

"Hi Guys!" Everyone came and hugged you

When you looked over, Dino looked jealous, so you decided to annoy him

"I missed you guys so much" you held onto the members making him more mad

"We love you so much y/n, you should visit more" Joshua smirked knowing what you were doing

"YAH! SHE IS MY JAGIYA BACK OFF~" Everyone laughed

"Calm down, this is what you get for pranking me" you smirked as he just stared at you

"I guess this is the start of a prank war?"

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