Boo Seung kwan/ Seungkwan Imagine

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"Aish I'm gonna be late" you said trying to button your shirt, it was your first day at your new job 

"Ok, keys check, purse check, I think that's everything" You rushed out the door not realizing you forgot your phone

You got dropped off and you ran to the desk to sign in "Y/n" the assistant wrote your name down

When the door opened a big hall came to your approach, you stood there confused on where to go

"Excuse me, are you lost" someone tapped your shoulder causing you to jump

"AH! oh, sorry, and yes I am" you blushed being embarrassed 

"Are you our new manager?" The boy asked

"Y-Yes, are you a member?" You asked confused on the boy

"Yes! I'd be more than happy to show you around"

He took you around the building showing you around, you ran into a few more members but they always seemed to stare

"That's it" You were still curious on his name speaking you knew none of the members

As he started walking off you stopped him 

"Wait, what's your name" He turned around smirking

"I guess you'll have to find out" Before you could focus he was gone

"What does he mean I have to find out?"

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