Chapter 11

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I woke up the next day in a weird mood, last night's events replaying in my head.

"And as I remember correctly.... it's my turn..." He said with a sly smirk.

He stood up and strolled over to me. I gulped as he stood only a step or so in front of me.

He lent over me, his hands going behind me and out of sights....

I rolled over and buried my face into my pillow letting out a low whine. I thought this was all over... clearly I was so far from wrong. 

Still i couldn't hide in my room all day, for one thing my throat was killing me and i was desperate for a drink. With this in mind i groaned and rolled over to the side of my bed and sat up. 

I got dressed into some loose blue trousers and one of my man funny slogan shirts and made my way to the kitchen.

In passing Noodles room more memories of last night sprang to life in my mind. I remember watching curiously from around the corner as Mudz made his way upstairs, noodle in arms. Carrying her ever so delicately, like a really fancy plate he didn't want to break. I noticed how seemed to be taking deep and shallow breaths to prevent to much chest movement. He was being uncharacteristically quite in making sure he didnt wake her. I only came from around the corner to watch by Noodles door as they disappeared inside. Everything from the way he carefully placed her down, handing her the bear i remember Russel having won her and the way he covered her up in her sheets was an awe inspiring scene to say the least. However the moment he placed a small, yet timid his to her forehead my heart almost lost it, it was the most cute an tender thing id had ever witnessed Mudz doing; it was something you wouldn't believe happend if you hadn't seen it yourself. 

Unfortunately the moment was all to shortly lived as no more than 5 minutes later her was talking in the old Murdoc fashion, being perverted and taking way to much pleasure in making me more or less squirm.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and wandered into the kitchen, much to my surprise no one was in here. I made my way over the fridge and peered inside, nothing more to drink than milk, beer or energy drinks. I thought of grabbing one of Mudz red bulls for a moment but decided the drink wasn't worth loosing my life over. I sighed and closed the fridge and decided to check the counters. 

The work tops were littered with empty beer bottles and other various liquor bottles. There however was a collection of soft pops like: Cheery-aid, lemonade, cola and such. We always made sure to have some version of these kids drinks in for Noodle; Mainly so she wouldn't steal the energy drinks and go friggin mental. However lets be fair, you could combine all the mental states of everyone in this house and you still wouldn't have a fully functioning human. 

In the end i just grabbed a glass of water and sat at the table.


I had probably been sitting at the table for the best part of an hour, my head resting on my folded arms when a noise from the hallway made me jump. 

Murdoc came strolling into the kitchen, all naturally, walking over to the fridge and grabbing one of his cans. "Morning Dents"

"Afternoon" I corrected, but not the way i usually would. 

The words came out unsure, as though i wasn't convinced myself of the time of day. Usually i would have had a more sarcastic and confident tone, well the best i could muster, this still is me at the end of the day. But that was bad... even for me.

Murdoc just smirked and sat across the table from me. "Sure is" He clicked his tongue. 

Silence lingered in the air, not our usual silence more of an uncomfortable one. I could practically feel the awkwardness being emitted from myself, Murdoc however seemed indifferent and immune to the vibes i was feeling, which made it worse. 

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