Chapter 20

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2Ds pov

To say Russel was annoyed we hadn't told him about Murdocs situation earlier was an understatement.

Once we had finished explaining where we were all day he spent about the next 20 minutes cussing us out.

Murdoc told him he busted his ribs in a pub fight, technically not a lie, he just left out the real reason behind the fight.

"Pfft whatever cracker asses.... you still should have told me this morning."

"We thought it best to find out what was actually going on before worrying you.." I mumbled feebly.

"Whatever.." He rolled his eyes. "So what now?"

We continued on to explain Murdocs course of treatment. Russ also felt amused by most of it however he was slightly concerned, as I was, over the ban on sex.

"Not you as well! I'm not that bad!" He whined.

Me and Russel begged to differ as we sat around the kitchen table reminiscing over past events and talking over the days events while sipping on tea.

"Like I said she was good as gold" Russel went on "We took her to feed the ducks, then went to McDonald.. We got dragged round by new look by Kate but it wants so bad. Noodle seemed as unenthusiastic as me so we ended up at the arcade for a bit."

"Sounds better than our day at least." I chuckled.

"Ughhh true that..." Murdoc preached leaning back in his seat, stretching his back.

He visibly winced obviously hurting his ribs.

"You okay mate?" Russ asked as Murdoc hunched over.

"Yeah.." he breathed. "Be a lot better with a tad of whiskey though..."

"No!" Russel pointed a finger

"Why not!"

"Because it won't mix well with you're meds"

"Its only a little bit! It won't hurt!" Murdoc countered.

They continued to bicker back and forth till Mudz finally turned to me.

"What do you think Dullard!"

"Yeah what do you think D?"

I looked between them both.

How the hell would i know? How the hell could a pick?

"I'll ask Perry!" I said cheerfully pulling out my phone, feeling it was the best solution.

Both men groaned.

"Dullard leave the boy alone" Murdoc whined throwing his head back. "He didn't give us his number to pester him 24/7"

"We know why he gave you his number..." Russel quipped smirking.

Murdoc flashed him a grin but I could sense something off about it, it seemed unusually forced.

I just looked back down to my phone scowling, sending Perry a quick text asking if Murdoc was aloud a small drink.

"I've only texted him 3 times... it's no big deal.."

"D it's 3 times in the past hour.."

I just rolled my eyes "Sorry for wanting to make sure the bloody pickle doesn't die on us.."

"Who knew you cared so much.." Murdoc teased giving me a sly grin.

I stared daggers into him, well best I could with the two massive black circles I call eyes.

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