Chapter 22

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The Birthday party pt.1

2ds pov:

I woke up with a heavy groggy feeling hovering over me like a dust cloud.

I went to move but my head was way to heavy. Despite not remembering a lot of last nights events i can remember those leading up to my memory blank. I took those stupid blue pills again.


I felt a weight shift under me and cuddled further into the person who was holding me.


I jolted up, the sudden rush to my head causing instant regret. I hissed and grabbed at my head from the shooting pains. I screwed up my eyes hoping to shift this felling.

"Ughhh wha- Dents... You Okay? Faceache hey?" A familiar persons groggy, morning voice, began talking to me in a rather panicked manor.

"Ahhhg..... Mudz??" I cried out, slightly confused.

"Yeah. Yeah its me Dents..." I slowly felt the warmth of someones chest envelope me again. "Husssh come on.." Mudz soothed rubbing my arm.

I allowed by body to relax and slump into Murdoc as i whimpered in pain.

This reminds me of all the those times i would wake Mudz up in the middle of the night, screaming in either pain or from a nightmare or both. He would always come into my room 'to tell me to shut up' but somehow always ended up comforting me and helpin' me best he could.

The pain lifted a little and i sighed out in relief.

I stayed still for a few minutes more, just enjoying the situation. However, i knew it had to come to an end at some point so i decided to speak up.

"How did i end up 'er?"

Murdoc shifted under me while chuckling.

"The how. I don't know, i assume you just decided to sleep here and so you did. The why well... maybe this... will clear things up."

Murdoc passed me a notebook from the edge of his nightstand.

I read the words written on the page, not once, not twice, but three times.

I gulped a little and chuckled a nervous "Did i uh.. write this?"

"Sure did!" He confirmed in a almost congratulatory tone. "And just so you know, its not exactly what i envisioned but its good enough."

I continued staring at the page a fierce blush coating my face.

"Yeah... well... noted.. aha.." I mumbled aloud like an idiot.

I turned out of Murdoc's hold and threw my legs over the bed. I stood up, the heavy feeling still present but not dominate. At least it doesn't have same fierce hold on my body it did when i first woke up.

After realizing i was shirtless i dragged my limbs around the room in aims of finding my shirt.

Murdoc still casually lay on his bed watching me with amusement in his eyes.

"Ya look like a zombie Dents..." He sniggered.

"Ughhh" I half halfheartedly groaned raising my arms, pretending to be a zombie.

Murdoc laughed. "Out of interest. Why did you end up in my bed last night?"

I finally found my t-shirt hanging from Murdocs inverted cross, the one he keeps above his bed.

"Uhhh" I made grabby hands in the general direction.

Murdoc, who was leaning against his head bored pushed his head back and looked up. Snorting.

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