Inside His Mind

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Jinxx's POV

Is he nice? I really hope he's nice. My last room mate was really mean. Lucky CC was nice and got me to go somewhere else.

Wait, what's going on? I can hear CC talking to those other nurses and it doesn't sound good cuz they keep glancing over at me she then at my new room mate. I hope everything is ok. I'd hate for it to not be ok.

I really hope Jeremy doesn't come back. I hate it when he does. He always tries to get me to hurt CC but I won't do it. CC is my friend. I don't care if Jeremy says everybody else is evil CC isn't. He's one of the good ones. CC is good at getting Jeremy to go away. Jeremy is scared of him. That's why he wants me to hurt CC.

CC says I have something called PTSD because of the other evil people that kept me. He also says I got something called Schizophrenia and that's why Jeremy's there. There's also something called Social Anxiety that I got and it makes me really nervous. I try not to be, but it's hard. That's why I'm glad I have CC.

CC protects me.

A/N: just a little thing of what goes on inside Jinxx's mind.

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