Creeping Sensation

22 3 0

4:00 PM

Damn! It was just my luck to start the day off like this. I'm in such a rush. I'm throwing everything around and creating a giant mess. I can't find the damn thing. Why am I always losing something? Homework, socks, pens, and jewelry. Ughh but this time it's my lucky butterfly bracelet. My mother gave it to me when I was a little girl. I have cherished it ever since. I love my mama. I searched frantically for it, but after couple minutes I give up. I have somewhere to be.

I swing open my rickety bedroom, with it's chipped white paint, and run all the way down the thirteen steps. It's pretty much routine by now. I head down the short hallway to my quaint little kitchen. The light shines so brightly through the kitchen.

For some reason I feel as if someone is watching me. I toss the thought around for a couple of seconds, but soon forget about it when my stomach growls. Oh boy am I hungry! Sleep sure can take a toll on a girl.

I grab some bread and pop it into the toaster really quick . While that's cooking I munch on an apple. It's granny smith; my favorite. I pour myself a glass of milk as my toast finally pops up. I go to grab it right away. Oh My God!! It's so hot, but I don't even care. I'm already running late to my best friend's birthday party.

I grab my car keys off the kitchen counter. That's where I always keep them. I head out my slightly better looking front door. It's a light baby blue. The sun hits me straight in the face as soon as I walk out. Then the clouds cover it up, and I am provided momentary relief. I walk down the short pathway to my silver mercades.

Again I get that feeling that someone is watching me. It's like a weird tingly, crawling sensation up my spine. Again I dismiss it. I have to make it to my friend's twenty first birthday. I can't wait. I feel like I've been waiting forever for her to grow up.

I'm so excited about the major partying I'm about to do; that I don't notice the guy lurking across the street with a pair of binoculars. I hop into my car with ease. I slide right into my warm leather seat. I adjust my mirror, put my seatbelt on, and I put this bad boy into drive. As I pull of I feel this sense of unease, but I suppose it's because I've lost my good luck charm.


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