Chapter 1: The Rebirth

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Tonya was having an ordinary day or that was what she hoped for when she went to her sisters 12th birthday party. She would attend the party, celebrate with her sister, eat cake and ice cream, watch her sister open her presents, party some more before saying goodbye at the end of the night then go home to watch her anime. That was what she hoped for anyway however what really freaked her out was the clown her parents had ordered for the party. She has always hated clowns, they freaked her out. This one however upon arriving sent warning bells ringing in her head at first sight. While she didn't like clowns she could tolerate them but this one in particular scared her, she didn't know why but he did. Choosing to keep a close eye on him she did her best to stay unnoticed never letting the clown leave her sight.

It all started when her mother started to cut the cake while everyone was distracted. The clown reached behind its back only to reveal a knife and while everyone's back was turned he threw it at Tonya's sister. When the knife was revealed and the clowns arm had been pulled back for a throw she knew she could only do one thing to save her sister since the clown was to far away. Jumping into the path of the knife as the clown released it Tonya could only watch as her chest was pierced.

Adrenaline was coursing through her veins and reacting on years of throwing practice tore the knife from her chest before hurling it back at the clown, burying it to the hilt in his right eye. That was all she could do before collapsing to the ground staring into the sky as her family surrounded her. She was dying and she knew it, the ambulance wouldn't arrive in time and her left lung was pierced as well as having been nicked by the knife. She would bleed out in only a matter of minutes. choking on her own blood and only feeling immense pain she didn't register her crying sister and mother standing near her while her father tried to stop the bleeding with his shirt.

All she could do before the darkness took her was choke out the words, "God I hate Clowns". It was then that her world turned black.

Tonya had no clue what happened after she died but after everything went black she found herself floating in a dark void, able see herself but nothing else. She waited there for how long she doesn't know, There was no light, no sound, and no life. There was just her and her thoughts. After what seemed like days she was jolted from her slumber when she heard a loud booming voice say her name.

Freaking out she woke up and her head jolted around her trying to find the source of the voice only to hear a deep rumbling chuckle that soon spoke again. "I am Tituas the God of the Multiverse. You, Tonya Anderson, are the 654765th person to die today. I had made a deal with some of the other Gods that at a randomly selected number of deaths in a day that individual will be given a second chance at life in one of my other worlds. The world you will be sent to will be chosen at random and from a list of anime's you have seen. Well what do you say Ms. Anderson will you take this second chance at life?"

Tonya was in an Otaku's heaven at the words this God had spoken, I mean come on who wouldn't want to go to a different world. She was happy alright but there were some things she had to ask. "When I go to this world will I have any advantages other than my current knowledge and will you tell me what world it is before I go?"

"Yes I will tell you what world it is as well as provide three advantages to you of your choice but you will not get to know the time line at which you will be born. You can also select what clan you will born into if you want to be in a clan that is." With that said a giant wheel like you would see on Wheel of Fortune appeared in front of her with a list of twelve anime titles and they are.

1. One Piece

2. Bleach

3. Death Note

4. Akame ga Kill

5. Naruto

6. Highschool DXD


8. Rosario Vampire

9. Hunter X Hunter

10. Fairytail

11. Sword Art Online

12. Claymore

Seeing all those names filled Tonya with excitement, she loved all of those anime. Taking the silence as the go ahead she grabbed the handle to the wheel and spun the machine as hard as she could and watched in anticipation as the wheel finally started to slow down a full minute later. It was a close call to landing on RWBY but ended up landing on Naruto.

With the world chosen Tituas Asked. "What are the three advantages you want in the Narutoverse?"

She had to make her choices carefully for this could mean life or death in this world particularly. Thinking it over a bit she finally replied, "I would like the knowledge of a level 10 Uzumaki Seal Master, my possible bloodline to be the strongest of its kind after being unlocked the normal ways, and finally I would like a strong body."

With her requests given to the God Tituas Tonya waited. A few moments later she heard "Granted now be ready to depart and know this, the other Gods and I will be watching so if you can make the show enjoyable for us we may consider sending you to another universe if you die here. So please do make it enjoyable. Oh and one last thing before you go, we don't care about making it follow to a Tee so have fun but make sure the main story line follows the plot." With his piece said a bright purple portal opened in front of Tonya. She didn't have time to hesitate as she was pulled as if a magnet to metal.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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