Movement One.

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Oliver's POV
I didn't sleep. I've been awake, reading. I look over my shoulder, to see Opal just waking up. She smiles at me, her crooked smile, always giving me chills. I softly smile back, adjusting my glasses. Ever since we were in diapers, it was just me and Opal. Of course we had siblings, but we were the peanut butter and jelly, the bread and butter, we were inseparable. When I came out, Opal was the most supportive, seeing she's gay also. After I came out, surprisingly, our friendship didn't change. You would think we would not talk since we're both gay, or make out, but none of that happened. We stayed the same. And that, scared me. It seemed like she didn't have a big opinion on it, or at least yet. If you couldn't tell, my worst fear is loosing Opal. If it wasn't for her, I'd probably be dead by now. I feel like I should repay her, but how?

"How did you sleep?" She asks, yawning.

"The usual." I say, voice monotone. "I picked out your clothes for today." I say, looking at her, hoping she isn't mad.

"Thank you." She says, smiling, giving me a hug, before getting dressed.

I continue reading, not wanting to distract myself by watching her get dressed. She probably doesn't like you that way, Oliver, I tell myself. She never will, just accept it already. I know, I know. I worry a lot, not even about myself, but more about Opal. It's probably not healthy at all, but I've grown to be her big sister, always taking care of her, helping her in any way I know how.

Once she gets dressed, we get going to school. We usually walk, not wanting to bother anybody. But, on the way to school, there's a Starbucks. Heck yes. I need lots of caffeine to survive this hell hole called school. After the coffee break, it's about 30 minutes before school starts, so, we just hang out for the most part. I go to the bathroom, before the expected happens.


Sorry it's a little short. Just trying to start it out, I guess. Tell me what you think!

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