Movement 2

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Oliver's POV
Like usual, when I walk into the bathroom, I'm surrounded by guys. I still have to use the boys bathroom, because of our stupid school policies. And, that's why I never go to the bathroom at school.
All the school bullies stare at me, before the torture starts. They punch me, pin me against the wall, choking me. By the end of it, I'm covered in bruises and I can barely open either eye nor move. They really went all out today, I thought. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, probably texts from Opal, but whatever. She'll find me eventually.
I'm just glad that when she finds me she doesn't ask questions, because she probably knows the answer. The first time this happened, she asked, and I just said I fell, but, she didn't believe me. Sees right through me, I guess.

By the time the first bell rings, I'm curled in a sobbing ball, trying to isolate myself. Opal is probably going crazy. Not like she cares anyways, the voice tells me. Ah, great of you to show up, depression. Just great. The voice keeps on insulting me, telling me that nobody cares, and I try to ignore it, I really do, but, I always fail at trying.

After what feels like hours, I hear the bathroom door open. Opal? I just barely look up, to see Opal running to me. She picks me up, taking me to the nurses office. As she's running, I see everything pass by me; people who skip, people who are late, everybody that's not in class. It's all just a flash before she stops, and we're at the nurses office.

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