Norway x Reader- Food Brings Us Together

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⭕NOTE⭕ You live in Norway, and to be honest, you're kind of broke! Lol


In the freezing winter storm, you were inside your small home, snuggled up in blankets, drinking hot cocoa.

It would've been really relaxing if only your heater was working, and if your blankets weren't paper-thin.

As a broke person, you mostly focused on buying books, since you were an avid reader. A bookworm. That meant that you'd cut the budget from everything else, which you didn't mind, but sometimes you wished you earned more money to buy other things.

Shivering once more you tighten your grip on the thin blanket, taking another sip io your hot choco while trying not to drip the drink onto your book like last time.

Work had been canceled and you were chilling, relaxing- or at least, trying to.

Your phone started to play f/s ringtone.

Picking it up, you greeted, "Hello?"

"Hej. It's me, Lukas."

"Oh hey, Lukas!" Your eyes started to shine. "What's up?"

"I'm good, thanks. You?"

"Good. I'm kind of bored, though."

"Well if you can, come over for a party at my house."

You were surprised. Lukas Bondeviek, the quiet Norwegian man, hosting a party? "Oh! Sure thing! What time?"

"8:00 PM."

Smiling to yourself, you reply, "Alright. Do I need to bring anything?" Thinking about bringing food, you started getting excited. "Oh my God, is it a putlock? Is there going to be food?"

Lukas let out a rare chuckle. You and him knew how much of a foodie you were. "I guess you could say that. Anyways, see you at eight."

"Bye Lukas! I'll see you soon!"

"See you too."

You hung up.

Magically forgetting you were freezing even with your layers of blankets, you kicked them off of you- pumped up to be invited to a party, especially one by Lukas! Putting the bookmark in the place of your page in the book, you stood for a moment, thinking of what to wear to get ready.

You had three hours, but you needed to prepare the food. As for clothes, you were naturally fast at picking your outfits, so you weren't too worried.

In your decent-sized kitchen, you opened the cabinets of your pantry.

Would you go for baking simple cupcakes, or something slightly healthier?

Deciding on a simple f/m you pull out the ingredients needed.

Mixing the ingredients together, you soon were so installed in working on the meal that you didn't realize when there was barely half an hour left.

"Shit!" You cursed, running to your room to get ready yourself. When you reached the small closet, you swung the door open and scrambled for an outfit.

(Girly or Casual, your choice)

Choosing a f/c girly/casual outfit, you put on sneakers/heels, jewelry, some makeup (if you do wear it), and a headdress. (Religious or fashion)

Grabbing your keys from f/c nightstand, you rush out in the cold, after throwing on your thick wool coat. Unlocking it, you run back inside to grab the putlock food, before hearing back to your car.

Upon ignition, you prayed that it would work despite its age and the freezing temperature. "Please, please open up!" You begged frantically. Although Lukas' home wasn't more than twenty minutes away, you were going to have to drive slowly due to the slippery roads.

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