The Dress

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A week passes before anything dramatic or unusual happens.  It's Saturday morning when I hear clicks at my window again.  I shuffle around in bed, aware that it's Anthony, but not sure that I want to get up.  A few minutes later I do, only because I can't fall back asleep with the clicking.  I stand infront of the window, and wave before opening it.  The breeze outside is pleasent and cool.  It's almost spring.  I back away from the window as Anthony climbs up the tree.  

"You ready to go shopping?" he asks.

"Shopping for what?" I ask.

"Your prom dress."  

He has a smug smile wrapped around his face, stretching from ear to ear.  I look up and stare him directly in the face.  I am not smiling.  I try to look disappointed and sad and slightly upset in the hopes that he will cancel our prom plans.  But the look on his face doesn't change.  

"Anthony.  I desperatly don't want to go to prom and you know that.  Why do you want to go so badly anyway?"

"I want to go because I haven't been before and it seems fun and I want to have fun with you..." His voice trails off and he takes my hands and swings my arms around gently.

"Plus I want to see you in a pretty dress and I want to slow dance with you and have a fun night... It will be great.  And the theme is like 'midnight under the stars' or something cheesy like that and it's a mascarade...  We get to wear creepy masks with feather and shit... It will be so great."

I stare at the ground.  I don't want to go to the dance.  I don't want to see Ruby and her boyfriend any more than I am forced to.  I don't want to try on 50 dresses in front of Anthony, because no matter what I wear, I will look horrible.  I just... I don't want to have the particular life that I have.  My parents hate each other and there is no one else in my family who likes me.  My best friend is a snake.  Every part of me is fat.  I am fat.  I am useless and stupid and bitchy and I deserve every insult that's thrown at me and I just really don't want my peticular life at that peticular moment and now I really want to cut myself.  I want the relief that my blade brings.  I need to feel it's cool edge and it's sting that causes my skin to burn.  I need to see the drops of blood crawl from the split in the skin.  I need  it.  

My mind has zoned out and there are tears in my eyes and I think about killing myself.  Not at this moment now, not while Anthony is here.  I would have to wait until he leaves.  I would have to write a note.  But to who?  Who would even care if I was gone?  Nagini would need someone to care for her, but my parents wouldn't do it.  I would have to ask Anthony to.  My mom wouldn't care if I was gone.  My dad might, but only barely.  But that's it.  Those are the only people in my life.

The tears are running down my face.  I don't even register them there, because I so often have to cry myself to sleep.  But I guess Anthony does.  He says my name and says it again, but I don't look up because he sees me cry so often.  I am so weak.  I am so weak that I'm getting light headed and Anthony is gripping my hands and squeezing them.  They hurt.  My whole being hurts.  I guess that's it.  My life sucks, I don't want it, and I am in pain.  All the time.  The little me in my brain laughs.  I have come to this conclusion based an my desire to not go to prom.   Who would have thought?

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