The Burning

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It turns out that Anthony's sweet surprise was taking his dad's truck and driving us to an empty field.  He had filled the bed with blankets and pillows and I didn't get what was happening until we arrived.   We sat in the bed of the truck for the whole night.  He reaches through the window and brings back two bags, each with a soft pb&j inside.  I laugh, thinking of his brothers.  I slowly tear mine apart, looking at the sky.  I laugh inside my head when I think about how you can et the same view by sititng outside of my art room window.  When it gets really late, Anthony drives back.  He pulls up ouside of my house and I give him a meaningful goodnight kiss.  Then I pull away as I hear the screaming.  I insist that I'll talk to him later and that he needs to go home.  I run up to my front door.  I have to fumble with my keys, and it takes a minutes to unlock the door because my hands are shaking.  As the door opens, a burst of sound hits me.  My mother is on a rampage.  I run to my room and I see that she has a lighter and a large bottle of wine.  She empties some of it on my bed and torches it.  I start screaming at her, but she doesn't stop.  I run up to her, hoping that I can take away something, or put her attention on me, but she swings the heavy bottle at my face.  I fall back, feeling a bruise forming around the my eye and some on my nose.  Lights start popping infront of my vision and I can move.  I feel like I might be sick.  I rub my face, but blood comes back on my sleeve.  Then I hear a sickening thud and there's more blood, but not mine.  It's Nagini.  I have to run from my room because I can't stand to look at her headless body.  Tears and screams mix together and they all pour out of me. 

I run down to the basement and end up vomiting into a bucket that used to be there for a drip that we had fixed.  Eventually I can hear my dad come home, but the pounding in my head soon takes over.  I lay on the cold floor next to the buket and end up falling asleep. 

When I wake up, my dad is standing over me, looking concerned.  He carefully helps me stand up and he holds my face for a second.  Then the throbbing pain in m head starts again and I groan and pull away from his hands, clutching my head. 

"You have a really bad black eye.  I got caught up at the office.  What happened last night?"

I think back to what happened and then I remember Nagaini and I start crying.  I press myself into my dad's chest and I sob into his white, chrisp work shirt.  He hugs me tightly in a way that makes my shoulders pinch together, but it feels like he's trying to press all the broken pieces together.  I mumble into him that she burned my mattress and killed Nagini and probably did a load of other horrible things.  Then I explain that she hit me with the wine bottlle that she had.  He glares at the wall behind my head before stomping upstair.  I follow him up, but I'm slower than he is.  Instead of going to my room, I lock myself in the bathroom.  I take a pain killer and then an extra just in case.  Then I find my razor in the back of the drawer.  I roll up my sleeve and press it in to my skin, happy to see that the snake that Franny drew has finally faded away.  I make each of them shallow so that I don't have to wrap them up.  Instead, I just pull the sleeve back down and go into my room.  My mother is collapsed on the floor, covered in paint and her own vomit.  I look away from Nagini and continue looking around.  She burned my bookshelf and the drawer full of notebooks.  Oddly enough, she left my clothes untouched.  But the paint that she's covered in makes me wonder what else she did.  Then I remember my art room.  I run through the door and stare around.  The smaller walls with cheveron pattern are slathered in red paint, ruined.  The wall of swirls has a series of different colors on it.  She then went over the colors with black, writing insults that are hard to make out.  It feels like my heart stops when I look at my cosmic owl painting.  It's ruined.  Demolished.  Gone.  She used the last bit of paint left and covered every bit of it tha she could.  Then she must have burned the wall using her wine, because some of the newer painted burned off, making the painting underneath caramalize in the heat.  I can't save it.  I spent over two months working on that.  I stayed up late into the night and early morning working on that.  I spent hours combing through pictures of feathers and eyes online so that I could get it just right, and now it's gone.  I start crying again and I curl myself into a little ball on the floor.  I hear something crinkle next to me and I see my burned award for best story.  I see more wreckage around the room when I look around.  She threw my phone and old laptop against the wall and burned them.  Neither one will turn on.  Everything that I care about is gone.  I sit in my sad little ball and cry sad little tears while my dad tries to figure ou what to do. 

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