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April 20, 1937
I wake up with the alarm clock screaming at me to wake up. I struggle to get out of bed. After 15 minutes of struggle. I remember I souled my soul to the devil herself, Angelina Moore. I grunt and hop in the shower. And start humming to the Mozart song playing. After 27 minutes or so in the shower I hop out the shower and get dressed. I head to my office and start writing about the construction of Golden Gate. And I head over to Angelina's House and I ring her door bell. Her maid, Madison answers and say "Oh hello Inez." I say with a smile "Hey Madison." She says "Oh how's the husband still dead?" She says in a bitchy tone. I say "Oh how's the affair, still trying to win your kids in the court case?." She growls and Angelina screams "WHO IS AT THE DOOR." Madison says "INEZ." she walks to the door and in her robe and slippers she says "Oh hello Inez, come in." I come in and she leads me to the work room. She hands me the idea of how she wants the invitation

I start cutting the lace to fit around the envelope. And start to make the invitation fancy by embellish it with gold ribbon. She hands me the invite list and I make 300 invites and by the time I finish it's 8:39 pm I take home the invitation for myself and quiet shut the door. I head off to bed and slip into my nightgown, what a long day....

To be continued...

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