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Once composed of emerald green trees
And crystal blue seas
With amazing creatures
What a beautiful nature

And now look what it had became
It looks like she had gone insane
Her parts are now in pain
Because of people's vain

Green forests had morphed into grey buildings
Blue waters had become black
Now the earth screams
Through its thunders and lightning

Fresh air are now limited
Now it is hard to breathe
Now it is hard to live
'Cause earth is now full of hatred

It's gonna take it's turn
You will be hurt by it's thorns
In it's hotness you will be burned
It'll make sure you'll regret and mourn

But it is not too late
You can still change your fate
Earth you should never hate
Show your love and care instead

Plant buildings yet don't kill a tree
Don't catch immature animals, let it free
Show your love for the mother earth
Just go on and so forth

Technologies aren't bad
Only users who are mad
Earth is the best gift we ever had
For it gives spaces to the lives we love


Poems made in my room  #PrimoAwards 2018 #Obliawards2018Where stories live. Discover now