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It knows no rules
It is unpredictable
It makes us fool
Yet the feeling is cool

It is timeless
It has no limits
It has no gender
It lasts forever

The feeling is unexplainable
The feeling is unbelievable
It makes us feel warmer
Even when it is felt towards a stranger

It breaks the curse
It helps destiny
It is always first
Than to think about enemy

Everyone had, will experience it
Even those non human beings
It is the primary root
Why the world had its beginning

We made mistakes
For our partner 's sake
If it's true it can wait
No matter what it takes

It fulfills our imagination
It has no exact definition
It means more than an action
It always gives inspiration

It drives motivation
It give problems solution
It is scattered everywhere
Everything it can conquer

It can set you free
When you're in your cage
It gives you energy
When your on your weakest state

It is not just said
It must be expressed
It is not just seen
It must be felt

It connects two bridges
It makes peace in all worlds
It has the longest speeches
'Cause it's worth more than words

It is endless
It is timeless
It makes us fearless
To know our weakness

It is just four letters
But it is forever
It is just a word
But it is absorbed

It feels like heaven
Time is ever frozen
Whenever you have this feeling

Distance doesn't matter
Because it connects two creatures
It is just the fifth element
Yet it is powerful

It means sacrifice
It means happiness
It means failure
Meant for success


Poems made in my room  #PrimoAwards 2018 #Obliawards2018Where stories live. Discover now