Chapter 1: Escape

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This story is based on true, real-life events that has happened to me. I got the inspiration to write it because of a poem I have in my diary a while ago entitled, "Letter to Mom". It is availiable on my profile if you wish to read it. Now on to the story...!


The sun shone brightly outside the window of my bedroom as I'm sat on my bed staring at all the children in my cold-a-sac playing kickball in the neighbor's backyard. It seemed like a beautiful day to go outside and enjoy the afternoon. But of course, I wouldn't be one of those fortunate kids playing. I would be the lonely 16 year old girl trapped in her hot pink bedroom dreaming of the day she could escape and be free from her strict parents.

"Mom...! Can I go over Zack's house?" My 11 year old brother yelled out to my mother.

"Sure, just make sure you come home before 10pm!" She answered back quickly.

There was a loud shut of the door and out my little brother went. Now if I asked my mother if I could go out, I would get a long 2 hour lecture about how she does not want me to be outside like a 'street girl'. Ever since I was a little girl, she would never let me get further than the mailbox.

"Why don't you just wash some dishes, clean up the bathroom, or do some laundry?" My mother would always suggest.

Ryan, my little brother, and I were born in Brooklyn, New York, but we moved to into a nice, quiet neighborhood in Georgia when I was five because they thought it wasn't a safe place to raise kids. Our house is a spacious two story house with a beautiful front yard surrounded by bushes of flowers, and a huge backyard that consist of a cemented playground and a garden. Both of my parents were born and raised in a country in the islands called, Haiti. They were brought up to learn that the girls must do chores so that when they grow up, they will become a great wife. My little brother could just wake up, eat the breakfast that I cook, and head out the door to his friends house while I stay and clean up after everyone's mess.

One afternoon, it was raining heavily and my mother sent me to bring Ryan an umbrella for him to come home. I walked up to the brick house and rang the doorbell. A girl that stood at 5'6 with chocolate skin and gray eyes answered the door.

"Hi...umm I'm here to get my brother? I told the girl.

"Okay, he must be playing in my brother's room. You could come in and get him."

I walked in the house and called out his name. My little brother resembled me. He was very light-skinned with light brown eyes and nice, curly black locks of hair. Expect my hair stopped down my back like my mother's, whom we both got our looks from. My father on the other hand, had a type of caramel skin color with silky black hair and blue eyes.

"Hey Claire, aren't you supposed to be cleaning up the bathroom or something?" Ryan said teasingly while a little boy with chocolate skin and dark brown eyes beside him chuckled.

"Shut up, mom made me bring you an umbrella!" I snapped back.

"Okay, well I'm not ready to leave yet!" Ryan went back to the little boy's bedroom he came out off.

"Well you can come to my room if you want to and wait for him." The girl that answered the door told me.

"Oh okay, thanks."

I got into her pink room and looked around to find Hello Kitty bedspreads, television, and plush dolls surrounding her bedroom.

"I can see you like Hello Kitty." I told her while turning around in circles to get the full image of the room.

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